Chapter fifteen

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Chapter fifteen.


I looked at the woman at the door of my house as we were about to continue our search for my Aubrey, she looked scared while she kept looking around and with her were two boys who looked about twelve. She finally looked at me causing me to gasp and quickly let her into the house then looking around before closing the door I told the security to stay on guard.

I was just being cautious.
We stared at her for a few minutes and by We stared at her I meant my sister and my mother watched her. She cleared her throat awkwardly as I showed her were to seat, her boys cuddled closer to their mother as my mother decided to break the awkward silence.


"Sonia Mendez" she said as my mom nodded. I stared confused at the fact that she looked almost similar to my love and Sheila...

"Ok Sonia I'm Alexis and this two old looking babies are Cristiano and Nadine" she said pointing to us as we waved slightly. "And what brings you here?"

Sonia sighed in sadness as her eyes began to water, sniffing she looked at us with so much pain in her eyes.

"I finally found my baby boy"

"What? Who exactly?" Nadine asked on behalf of all of us.

"Aubrey" she said as she smiled a watery smile.

"Aubrey?" Mom said as Sonia nodded looking around the house for Aubrey if I am right. I sighed sadly before looking at my mom who gave a slight nod encouraging me to tell her about Aubrey missing. Before I can break the news to her Nadine decided to ask for why she was looking for Aubrey and how they were related.

"Why are you looking for him and who are you to him?" My mom glared at Nadine as she shrugged.

"I'm sorry about her?" Mom said as Sonia shook her head with a sad smile.

"Let me introduce myself I am Sonia Mendez Aubrey's mother"

"But Aubrey's surname was Nolan" I said and my mother nodded in agreement . Sonia sobbed again in pain.
"No this can't be.... Ricardo what have you done....."

"Ricardo? Isn't that Aubrey's father" I said as Sonia eyes widen before anger filled her very being.

"That fool is not my husband nor is he Aubrey's father" she said trying to calm down." That was my husband's best friend who wanted what we had when we were younger and when he didn't get it so he killed my husband by hypnotizing him into committing suicide then few months later he took my two eldest children, luckily I was still pregnant for my last babies this two if not I would be without any of my babies.....i have been looking for them for twelve years and I finally located Aubrey but not his sister .....I may not be able to prove half of what I am saying but I have something to show you"
She searched through her bag for what I am guessing is her proof, a few minutes latter she brought out an old news magazine as she open the page I am guessing has the proof in it.
"Here it is" she pointed a page. I could hear my sister and mother's gasps while my head began to pound. Written on that page in bold letters with a picture of a younger looking Ricardo.
'Celebrity psychologist has gone missing after going crazy due to unknown reasons'
Snatching the magazine from her hand as I began to read through. It was said that he majored in hypnotism for therapy of his patients, it was also noted that he began to defraud people and destroyed homes for his own pleasure.....I was left speechless as anyone could be in this situation.

"I am telling you this because I know he is alive and might take my Aubrey away again" she said with tears in her eyes as her lips trembled. So if what she says is true that means the person Sheila works for in kidnapping my love is none other than that crazy bastard. I was feeling really angry. I get it now if only I had known  where that son of a b'tch would be keeping him.

"Ma'am please stay calm remember your babies are beside you sleeping" my sister said trying to calm the angry crying woman so that she doesn't wake the tired looking boys. She nodded as she looked at her sons then her face showed only sadness and no more anger.

"Please do you have spare room so I can put them. They haven't slept well for a while because of the big move we just made" nodding my mom carried the smallest while Sonia carried the older one following behind my mom.

My sister sighed as she made sure they were gone before she looked at me.
"We have to tell her" she whispered as I nodded in defeat. I wish things could get easier and less annoying, I just hope that both my babies are okay and not hurt by that lunatic. Father needs to hear this maybe he could help us more when he hears this, he had sent people out to help in tracking my Aubrey down but there hasn't been any news from him so this might help a lot in finding that man.
"Thank you for letting them rest in your room" Sonia's voice broke me from my thought as we hummed in response.
"We have something to tell you Sonia" my mom said with sad eyes as she pulled Sonia to seat down on the couch, Sonia looked at all our faces as she nodded slowly for my mom to talk.
"Aubrey was kidnapped two weeks ago and we have or should I say had no clue who took him and my grand baby but since you have told us this we now know who took him so we plan on tracking him down the best way we can"
"He will kill the baby, you need to listen to me he knew Aubrey could get pregnant because my husband told him before all the crisis started" she sniffed before continuing " he told me a few day after taking my oldest children that he wants me to suffer and he want to find the man that made him crazy in the public eyes and he plans on using Aubrey when the time was right"
"But what do that have to do with us?" I asked as Sonia shook her head before her eyes snapped to my mother.
"Who is your husband, I mean what is his name?"
"Bobby Cruz" mom stated before her eyes grazed over in recognition...
"No no this is bad really bad"
I didn't understand what the two older women were talking about, mom quickly picked up her phone as she began to dial a number.
"Bobby. Get to Cris house now please hurry".

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