chapter six

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Chapter six


I watched that brat he thinks he can escape his death, I wanted Cristiano to suffer it was his fault of course that Susan died. May be if he had let her come to me than stay with him she won't have died, I knew Susan since we were babies so let's just say from diaper days till her death. I was her one special person before that fool used his money to drag her away from me and I hated him the first time I saw him. Susan had dark blue green eyes with dark brown curls on her head; her skin was sun kissed and so beautiful, her lips were so pink, soft and her eye lash was naturally long and thick that she didn't need fake lashes whenever she applied her usual light make up. She was a real beauty that when we walk together all attention was on her but I hated that she was always getting the attention because they all plan to take her away from me and I hated them for it. I still remember her sweet voice scolding me every time I snap at someone who tries to take her attention from me.

'Silly shelly, you don't have to be harsh on them'

'Yes I do Ann they will try to hurt you and I'm always here to take good care of you'

'Yes I do know you are but it won't kill you to once in a while be nice'. She said causing me to nod in agreement after she pout and makes the puppy dog eyes which was always my weakness, then when I agree to be nice she would hug me and peck me on the cheeks in joy. I loved it so much that I was intentionally being harsh to everyone, she still give me those kisses.

                  I hate him so much why did they have to even meet, they both met when I had travelled to visit my grandma with my parents who won't let me stay back no matter how much I had begged them. She told me about him through the letters we send to each other almost every day, she told me how he reminded her about me because he protected her and spoilt her more than I had dreamt of doing.
                 When I had returned she hardly talked to me always telling me how busy she was helping her mother and I did believe her till I saw her in the park kissing what's his face so I called to hear what she would tell me. And this was what she said again.

'Hey shelly'

'Hey, do you want to hang out today my mom made your favorite ..pasta and meat balls' I had said watch her from across the road.

'My mom is in need of my help but maybe next time we could maybe see a movie' she replied before kissing Cristiano, then and there I felt broken and something snapped within me making me to realize if I couldn't have her he won't too. I still spoke to her while watching her every move, it got to a time I left the city with my parent because they noticed a change in my behavior and I spent two years seeing a stupid shrink who I couldn't stand so I did the usual I am well again and voila I was free once again. It was 2000 and we were to graduate highschool together but she left me alone claiming to have lost my contact, I lied to my parent about going to school as far away from them so that they can take care of my younger brother and the other child on the way. I watched them from the shadows while I made little changes in my look, I dyed my blond hair blue and I used a different contact lens from my normal grey eyes to brown and I dressed differently. I began sending her letters from the year 2000 to which she replied once begging me to let her be happy, I cared for her and I am her only source of happiness. I needed her back to myself because she was to be mine, I hated that every letter I sent she never replied and I was going crazy so I started telling her ways I would kill her lover and the shocking thing was that years later, four years precisely they got married and moved away from my reach like they had disappeared form the face of the earth. I finally found them three years later when I saw a three month pregnant Susan shopping for baby things so I walked up to her with a smile as she looked at me in fear so I lied to her saying that I went to the psychiatrist and now I was over the childish act. She was so glad yet I pretended to have changed and I won her trust but she wasn't going to leave him and it made me really mad. When I found Susan it was just a week before Christmas of 2009 and I had killed her first week of March 2010 because she was protecting Cristiano, I kept repeating in my mind that if I couldn't have her no one else will.

He didn't see my face since I had being a person dressed in black with a dark mask over my face, I was planning to just take her away after I killed Cristiano but he was claiming to be a hero trying to threaten me so I pulled her to me and shot his leg as I began to drag her towards the door that was till she started struggling as he kept trying to stand, ready to kill him she ran and stood in front of the bullet as it hit her in the chest a little above her baby bump so I ran away from the scene before the stupid police arrives. I will forever blame him and he won't get any happiness as long as I live.

"Hey Sheila what are you thinking about?" Cristiano asked as he sat on the bed backing me. I snarled at his back in hatred before replying with a fake happy voice.

"I'm alright baby, forget about me, how was work?" I said with a little interest since my new toy was a mole in his company and he doesn't know which is good for me. I listened to him as he stretched and pulled me down with him on the bed as he cuddles me. I will make you suffer CRISTIANO.

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