Chapter 17

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The ride was filled with a content silence. Éponine didn't feel awkward or uncomfortable at all.

Soon Marius cleared his throat and Éponine turned her head to face him. "Are you really hungry because if you want we can skip dinner and just get popcorn at the movie?" He asked.

Éponine thought about it. She wasn't really that hungry right now because her stomach was all in knots, "No I don't mind. I think that's a good idea" she said, "but the movie doesn't start for another hour, what are we going to do until then?" She asked.

A mischievous smile grew on Marius's face, "You'll just have to wait and see Ms. Éponine".

Éponine sighed but couldn't help the smile that creeped onto her face. "Alright, I'm trusting you" she said with a laugh.

"Don't worry Ponine, you can trust me. It's nothing bad" he said turning to face her with a soft smile.

Éponine nodded and soon they pulled into the parking lot of the park. Marius turned off the engine and turned to Éponine excitedly while she gave him a skeptic look, "The park?" She asked confused.

Marius nodded, "Yup. Since we are going to sit in a dark quiet indoor place I thought we should spend sometime in the outdoors" he said shrugging.

"Okay, what are we going to do here?"

"Anything you want really. I mean I have a football in the back if you wanted to toss that around or we could just go to the swings or just-"

"Marius" Éponine interrupted laughing, "just grab the football" she said jumping out of the car.

Marius smiled and followed suit. "See most girls other would have probably picked like the swings or something boring, but you, you picked the football which is actually amazing" he said happily taking her hand.

"Yeah well I'm a pretty amazing person if I do say so myself" said Éponine sarcastically.

"Well I would have to agree" said Marius before stopping and letting go of her hand. "Okay" he began "you're going to pass the ball back to me and then run, like a receiver and I will throw it to you" he said handing her the ball.

Éponine stood baffled for a moment, "Me? Run and catch the ball. Marius I've never played football before" she said worried.

Marius pushed her comment aside, "It's easy don't worry about it, I know you can do it" he said reassuringly.

"Okay" said Éponine skeptically. She bent down and waited for Marius's command. "Go!" Yelled Marius. She tossed the ball through her legs and took off running. She looked over her shoulder and saw Marius throw the ball. It was going to land slightly in front of her. Éponine picked up her speed and reached out her arms. She closed her eyes instinctively and felt the ball land on her arms. She tucked it into her chest and stopped running.

She looked to Marius who held his hands above his head in victory, "You did it!" He shouted to her happily.

Éponine felt her heart soar. She did it, she caught the ball. She jogged back to Marius and handed him the ball. "Now what?" She asked.

Marius turned to her with a sly smile, "it's your turn to throw it" he said.

"Marius, I can't throw it that far-"

Marius placed his finger on her lips, "I'll catch it no matter where it goes" he promised.

Éponine nodded and Marius bent down waiting for her command. "Go!" She shouted.

Marius hiked the ball back to her and took off running. She took a deep breath and heaved the ball across the field. Marius had a goofy smile on his face as he raced to go get the ball. It was going to land in front of him so he jumped up off his feet and flew forward catching it before slamming to the ground. He didn't get up right away, "Oh gosh no" she whispered. Éponine sprinted over to him, he could be hurt. "Marius I'm so sorry, are you alright?" She asked as she approached him.

He turned over with a smile and propped himself on his elbows, "Aww you do care" he said with a wink.

Éponine smiled angrily, "Wow and I actually thought you were hurt" she said with a laugh.

Marius held his arm up, "Help me?" He asked.

Éponine sighed and agreed but as she tried to pull him up he pulled her down next to him. She scrambled to get back up but Marius had his arm around her waist. He laid back down on the ground and Éponine did the same. They stared up at the sky in silence.

"Sorry about that" said Marius.

"About what?" Asked Éponine.

Marius chuckled, "Pulling you down. Did I hurt you?" He asked.

"No I'm fine" Éponine said turning onto her side. Marius did the same and looked deeply into her eyes. She felt her insides warm despite the cool autumn breeze.

"Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?" Asked Marius in a soft voice.

Éponine nodded, "But I wouldn't hurt to hear you say it again" she said with a bashful smile.

Marius chuckled and caressed her cheek with his hand, "Well my dear Ponine, you look absolutely gorgeous tonight. I'm the luckiest man alive" he said sweetly.

Éponine blushed and was about to respond when she saw something in Marius's eyes. It was something she had only seen before in Enjolras's eyes, it looked kind and welcoming. She felt Marius's other hand on the small of her back, pulling her into him. This was it she thought. This is what she had been waiting for. He leaned his head in, his eyes asking permission. She leaned forward as well and soon she felt his lips press to hers. The kiss was soft and timid at first but soon their lips moved together with passion. Éponine felt fireworks explode inside her. Her first kiss was nothing short of amazing. It was full of love and hope.

Éponine couldn't believe how lucky she was to have Marius here with her tonight. He was the perfect boyfriend loving, caring, funny, and sweet. They pulled away from each other and Éponine couldn't help but smile. She opened her eyes and found Marius smiling back at her. She pecked his lips one more time before sitting up.

Marius sat up as well and checked his watch. "We should go. The movie is going to start soon" he said standing up.

Éponine held up her hands and allowed Marius to pull her up. He pulled her up with so much force that she slammed into his chest. She pushed away from him and apologized but Marius didn't reply. He placed his arm over her shoulder and lead her to the car.

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