Chapter 29

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As Éponine closed the door she felt a tap on her shoulder and a hand went over her mouth. She felt like screaming but the hand gripped her mouth tightly. Her heart raced and her mind whirled but she couldn't find a way out. Suddenly she felt herself begin to turn around until she came face to face with her captor. She felt herself calm down when she saw it was Marius. He removed his hand from her mouth with a smirk on his face. "Marius, what are you doing here? How did you get up here?" She whispered shock.

He chuckled softly, "I climbed up the same way you got out. If you don't want anyone coming in through your window you should probably lock it" he said smiling. His tone was light and happy and it made Éponine relax. He reached his hand up and touched her face, "I'm sorry about today. You just really have to tell me when you get held up so I don't get the wrong idea" he said his tone becoming more stern.

Éponine nodded, "I'll make sure it won't happen again, but, um I have to tell you something" she said nervously.

He took her hands gently, "What is it, love?" He asked.

She took a breath, "Enjolras is going to make me break up with you but I don't want to. I love you Marius and you love me and I don't know what to do" she said her eyes welling up.

Marius sat thoughtfully for a moment before his eyes lit up. "Can you keep a secret?" He asked her. Éponine nodded. "Great" said Marius, "here's what we are going to do".

Éponine had a gut feeling in her stomach that this plan would horribly backfire. Enjolras would see right though the phony act, but hopefully he wouldn't.

The doorbell rang, this was it. "I'll get it" Enjolras shouted up to her but Éponine emerged from her room anyway. She saw Enjolras open the door to reveal Marius. He had a flower. Éponine gasped and ran down the stairs.

She saw Enjolras's face turn bright red in fury. "What the hell are you doing here?" He asked angrily.

Marius shrugged, "I'm here to see my girlfriend and apologize. What I did today was wrong. It won't happen again" he said looking over Enjolras's shoulder at her.

She felt her cheeks blush but Enjolras only snorted, "You're right because you are never going to see her again" he said going to close the door.

However Marius's hand slammed against the door, propping it open. "That's not your choice to make Enjolras. It's hers. She is her own person who can make her own judgments about people" he said angrily his eyes pleading with her to choose him. Éponine felt tears form in her eyes. What was happening.

Enjolras let the door slam open and Marius stumbled in. Without warning Enjolras's fist connected with Marius's face.

Éponine gasped her hands flying to her mouth, "Enjolras!" She screamed however Marius came bouncing back slamming his fist into Enjolras's jaw. Soon the boys were in a full on brawl. "Stop it!" Éponine screamed, "Stop it now" she said trying to break them apart. She heard the boys muttering things under their breath to each other but Éponine couldn't hear it. "Enjolras, Marius please stop! You're not making anything better!" She said but Marius's elbow hit her nose and pain shot up her face. "Ah" she cried.

Both the boys stopped and looked at her. She clutched her nose and looked at them through tear filled eyes. "What the hell! What were you hoping to accomplish there? I-I just can't believe you two" she said turning away. Both reached for her but she stepped out of their grasp, "I'm done okay? You guys have put me and each other through enough shit these past few months and I'm sick of it" she said.

Marius took a step forward, "Éponine what are you saying" he growled.

She flinched away and Enjolras was practically on top of Marius again, "STOP IT!" She screamed and both of the boys snapped to attention. "I'm saying, Marius, "my love", that I'm done with you. I'm done with trying to please you and I'm done with this" she said gesturing to her face.

"Are-are you breaking up with me?" He asked shocked.

She nodded, "Yeah. We're done. Get out of this house" she said sternly.

Marius was flabbergasted. "You-you can't. Forget it, I'm done with you too. You were too irresponsible and self centered anyway. Goodbye Éponine" he said as he stormed out of the door slamming it shut behind him.

Éponine gasped yet felt a huge weight lifted off of her shoulders. She began to cry. Enjolras took a step towards her but she held up her hand, "You're almost as bad as he is, fighting him. What was that going to solve?" She asked disappointed.

Enjolras sighed defeated, "I'm sorry Ép, really I am" he said.

Éponine shook her head, "It's fine, I just need to be alone okay? Ill see you tomorrow" she said. He nodded and she turned to go up the stairs and into her room.

She closed and locked the door behind her feeling a cool breeze flow in through the windows. She turned around smiling and ran into his arms and kissed him.

"Do you think he bought it?" He asked excitedly. Éponine nodded. "Perfect" Marius said before pulling her in for another kiss.

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