Chapter 8

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Lilly's P.O.V

Why does bad things always happen to me? Why am I the one to always suffer and feel pain? Pain. That's been my whole life. I was always taken for granted. All everyone wanted to do was take advantage of me. I am so blessed to even find people who really care for me because everyone I let someone in, they bring that one word into my life. PAIN.

I was still spotting because of what Chris did me. I knew he was crazy, I knew what he was capable of. I never in a million years would've thought he would rape me. I felt like it went on for years. The worst part Is he left with satisfaction. He left with pride and pleasure. What was I left with? A black eye swollen lip scratched up face and the feeling of worthlessness.

So much happened that night I just.... I just don't understand. I broke J's heart, I left YG in pure confusion, I embarrassed Summer, I started to drink again and I got raped. I don't think I deserve to be on this earth. I don't matter. I would be better off when I'm off of this hell hole. I got off of my bed and tears started to roll down my cheeks. I walked to my pill cabinet and took out a bottle I put about about 6 in my mouth. I kept popping pills until I started to black out. Goodbye World..... You're better off without me.

Summer's P.O.V

"BABE STOPPPPPPPP!!!!" I screamed while laughing. Kendrick won't stop tickling me. He's trying to force me to say Lebron and the Heat suck. Like hell no you got us Heat Fans fucked up!

🏀🔥"Say they suck and I'll stop tickling you." He said. "NEVERRRRRR!!" He continued to tickle me. "B-b-baabee st-stop I can't br-breath!!" He then stopped tickling me. "That's what you get man, don't ever sleep on OKC bruh!" I laughed and playfully hit him in the chest. "Alright boo I'm bouta go check on Lills, you coming?" "I guess sooooooo.." He picked me up, spun me around, and kissed me. I kissed him back. "I love you bae." He said causing me to blush. "I love you too baby, let's go."


*Rings Doorbells* -No Answer- *Rings Doorbell again* -Still No Amswer- Got damn what the hell is she doing? "LILLS ITS ME BABE OPEN THE DOOR!" "Aye I'm your babe not her." Kendrick joked. I giggled at him. "Shut up jealous ass." I start to get impatient. "Man fuck this!" I get my key and open the door. "Lilly!" She didn't answer. I then went upstairs to her room. Kendrick followed. I knocked on the door. "Lills are you ok?" It was silent. I knocked again. Still nothing! So I opened the door to see Lilly passed out on the floor. "Omg Lills!!??" I ran to her. Her face was so pale and cold. She was unconscious. "BABE CALL 911 HURRY!!"


We sat in the waiting room waiting to see if Lilly was ok. I don't understand what happened? I just prays she'll be ok. "Family Of Lillian Pierre?" A doctor said. "That's us!" Kendrick Hurriedly said. "I'm Dr. Davis, Lilly is ok now. We found lots of drugs in her system. If we hadn't pumped her stomach in time she would've died." I gasped as tears fell down my eyes. Kendrick wrapped his arms around me. "Are we able to see her?" "Yes she is awake." Dr. Davis replied. We then heard running down the hall. "Where's Lilly?!!??!!" It was YG. "YG over here." I said. "I heard about Lilly is she ok? Please tell me she's straight." "Yea she's ok, we can go see her now." We all walked to her room.

YG's P.O.V

"Hey y'all." Lilly said in a weak voice. My baby... what happened to her? Her face was bruised up, she had scratches all over her, her hair was a mess. She didn't look the same. This isn't the Lill I know. She looks so..... tired. "Baby are you ok?" I asked. She smiled weakly at me. "Yea I'm ok for now." Summer was still crying. "You scared us baby girl!" "I know, I'm sorry y'all." Just then the doctor came in. "Ok Lilly are you feeling any pain?" he asked. "Yea I have this horrible headache." "Ok we can give you some medication for your headache but you will be a bit drowsy. She nodded in understanding. "When will be able to take her home Doc?" Kendrick asked. "In 2-3 days we have to keep her under watch."

"Watch?" I asked confused. "What kind of watch?" I looked at Lilly and she looked at me with sorrow and sadness in her eyes. "Under a suicide watch." The doctor replied. We all gasped. I looked at her in shock. "Li-Lills you tried to kill yourself?" She didn't say anything.

"I'll leave you all to talk." The doctor said. Kendrick then spoke first. "LILLY WHAT THE HELL!!? WHY WOULD YOU TRY TO KILL YOURSELF?" She was silent. I was so pissed off! Why the fuck would she do this? Does she not know how valuable her life is? "Lilly you better say something right fucking now." I said trying to be calm about this. "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry." She whispered while tears fell down her face. "Lilly babe why'd you do this? I don't understand." Summer said. "YOU KNOW WHAT JUST STOP!! YOU DONT CARE NO ONE EVER CARES! ALL THEY DO IS HURT ME!!! GOSH YALL WONDER WHY I DRINK? BECAUSE THE FUCKING BOTTLE WONT HURT ME! THE FUCKING BOTTLE WONT LEAVE ME! THE BOTTLE WONT SET ME UP FOR FAILURE!! I CANT HURT THE BOTTLE IT DOESNT HAVE ANY FUCKING EMOTIONS!! THE BOTTLE WOULD NEVER FUCKING ABUSE ME!!" She yelled.

She then broke down crying. "He just hurt me so badly." She cried. I can't believe this. She's an alcoholic? She was abused? I never knew this. My babygirl has had it so ruff.

"Lills... Who is he? Who hurt you?" Summer asked worried. Lilly didn't say anything she just started to cry even harder than before. "Baby listen to me, calm down and tell us what happened. Please." She cried a little longer and then answers us.

"The night of Summer' party after Kendrick left. Chris showed up and busted my door open. He punched me in my face that's why my face is like this and he...." She didn't finish. "He what?" Summer asked. She didn't say anything. "Sis please tell us." Kendrick said. She sighed. "H-He raped me."

A/N: Told y'all I would update lol!! I added pictures to some chapters so y'all can go back and see if y'all want to. but anyway VOTE VOTE VOTE COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT!!

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