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No One's POV

Mikael knew that this time he had to make things in a different way, maybe would torture Niklaus everyday once he got to him or maybe would kill him once for all but before he could do any of that, he had to find a witch that would be truly powerful to help him find Niklaus and to make a spell on him so no one could find him. Mikael has the need of killing Niklaus once for all not just as a punishment and revenge for killing Esther but also because he could not stand knowing that people could find out about his wife's betrayal, he couldn't have people talking and whispering about how he had a wife who betrayed him with a wolf and how made him believe that he was father of a weak boy who was also an abomination.

After a few days of searching for witches, he heard about a name of a witch, she was a very young witch but everyone of that community believed she could be the next great witch of their generation and that once she died, she would become part of the Ancestors Plane, which is the place where the most powerful witches go and use their power to help nature, the supernatural world and witches that might need help to save the greater good. He knew that she was young and that there was a change she still didn't knew how powerful she was or that she still couldn't have access to all of her magic but he needed her and he didn't care what he had to do to have her help, he would kill everyone in that village if it was what made her help him in finding Niklaus Mikaelson.

It was a sunny morning and Mikael went to the market place because he knew she would be there... he knew very well how most witches if not all of them, used their magic to sell or exchange their special herbs, like the witches like to call them, with another products.

Once Mikael got there he didn't took too long to find the witch.

"Good morning!" Mikael said.

"Good morning! What may I do for you in this fine morning? Are you looking for something in particular?" She asked with a smile.

So young... So naive... So innocent..., Mikael thought.

"I actually need your help. Can we talk in private?"

"I guess so... Let me just ask a friend to take care of this while we talk." She said and after going talk with her friend, she got back. "So... what would you like to talk to me about?"

"I know you are a witch." I said and she looked at me surprised. "I know it because I've married a witch. Unfortunately she was killed by one of the creatures of the night. I am now a hunter and I only want to find the first vampires ever created so it would end all existence of these awful creatures."

"I'm so sorry for your lost."

"I appreciate it. Although, I would like to know if I could have your help with this matter. You are a powerful witch and I believe you must be the only one who can help me find them."

"I-I can't give you an answer right away. I wouldn't feel right to be part of this plan."

"I'm doing it to avoid more people getting hurt. These creatures only bring darkness, chaos, blood and pain wherever they go. They are abominations... If we don't do something now... who knows how much more of them will appear. This is like a virus, if you don't cure it right away, it will spread and then it will be too late to save people. I know that you, as a witch, know they shouldn't exist, you know what monstrous things they are able to do and you know how they are everything you and nature are against to. If you help me, the nature's balance will be restored and I'm sure the future will be filled with harmony because no longer will there be those creatures wondering among us." Mikael tried to convince her.

"I can't give you an answer. I don't even know your name."

"My name is Mikael. And I know you will do the right thing and will help me. Davina, deep down you do know that the only want to restore peace is by killing these creatures. I'll be back by the end of the day to know what you think." Mikael said and left her.


At lunch, Davina ran to the place the Mikaelson family was living in and once she got in, Henrik and Elizabeth ran to her and hug her.


"Hi!" They both said as broking the hug.

"Have you came to give us another magic lesson?" Elizabeth asked excited.

"Actually I come here to have an adult talk with your parents and uncles." Davina told them with a small smile, trying not to show that she was afraid of what might happen next.

"We are not little kids. We have 5 years old. We can hear adult conversations." Henrik said crossing his arms upset because he hated not knowing what those conversations were and the reason why he and his sister couldn't be part of it.

"Yes, but they are very boring. You wouldn't care for them..." Davina said and they ended up letting go the subject and go back to their bedroom, where they had a place to draw.

"What a nice surprise, darling!" Kol said with a smirk and kissed Davina, but she broke the kiss, making him realize something was not right.

"What happened?" Kol asked.

"I need to tell you and your siblings what happened. It's urgent." Davina said and quickly Kol made his siblings and Caroline go to the room where was Davina so she could tell them the important news.

"What was so important that you needed all of us here?" Niklaus asked annoyed because Kol interrupted him kissing Caroline.

"Today at the market... Mikael found me and ask my help to locate you." Davina said to Niklaus, making everyone afraid and Niklaus was specially terrified because he couldn't go through that pain again and to say goodbye all over again to his family without knowing when he would see them again.

"What did you said?"

"I told him that I had to think about it and he left but warned me that he would be back by the end of the day to know if I would help him or not."

"We need to leave right away." Caroline said

"Where?" Kol asked.

"I don't know. But we have to go far away from here. We won't be able to hide much longer. We need to get our things and leave." Caroline replied holding Niklaus's hand tightly, not wanting to let it go until she would be sure he would be safe and sound by her side with their kids.

Timeless (Klaroline Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora