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AN: sorry for the late update but the person who's been doing the book with me had been a few days without Internet and I don't post any chapter without her

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AN: sorry for the late update but the person who's been doing the book with me had been a few days without Internet and I don't post any chapter without her. Thank you for your comprehension. ;)

Niklaus's POV

What I was most afraid of, it's happening... I need to be on the run again and my family is starting to realized that I'm the one who's making their lives like this... It can be just Finn right now, but I know it won't be too long to the rest of my siblings walk away from me because Mikael just wants to hurt me. How am I going to handle if Caroline realizes that she deserves better then this and leaves me?

"Nik, are you ready to go?" Caroline asked me with Henrik in her arms and with a couple of bags.

"Yes..." I said while trying to push away my negative thoughts.

I took Elizabeth from her crib and we meet my siblings in the living room, when we decided to just walk from the castle without anyone seeing us and try to go as far as possible...

Mikael's POV

I finally got to the castle, I come in without anyone's permission and saw some girl reading a book.

"Who are you?" I compelled her.

"Aurora, the daughter of the Count."

"Where's Niklaus and his family?" I compelled the girl once again.

"What's happening in here?" A man asked coming to the room with some servants and some others that were probably part of his family.

"Where is Klaus and his family?" I compelled her.

"I don't know. They just left without saying a word, we just noticed they weren't here a few minutes ago. They probably decided to move because Caroline just gave birth." The stupid girl said, so I killed her and looked at everyone asking for information but no one knew about the whereabouts of Klaus but no one knew so I killed them too.

I had in that moment a new mission, kill that bastard that shouldn't even be born, but before that, the love of his life, aka Caroline, and their babies. When I heard people starting to go to the castle, I vamp speed to someplace else and tried to find where Klaus was hiding, like a stupid rat.

Aurora's POV

I woke up with blood in my dress but no wound in my body, which was weird because that man had stab me, I looked around and saw my family and the servants dead...

But in a blink, I forget about that and my brain focus in memories that I didn't remember, I remembered how I loved Niklaus, how I killed Caroline to have finally my happy ending and how Caroline, Niklaus and his siblings drank form me and my family, making me realize they were vampires...

I couldn't believe that Rebekah made me forget about how I loved Niklaus, but it didn't matter, what matter was that I was now like them and had a second chance to make Klaus mine. I would ended up with Klaus even if it would be the last thing I would do... Klaus was going to be mine with all cost, even if I had to kill everyone in my way leaving me and Klaus alone in this world...

Caroline's POV

After running from the castle, I had an idea, compelled someone of the place where we were to let us sleep in there so we could have a roof under our heads and my babies wouldn't suffer of could, Henrik and Elizabeth were already crying of being so hungry... Everyone agreed and in the first place we saw, I compelled a woman to let us in and let us sleep a night or two in her house. It couldn't be the right thing but it was what it needed to be done for my babies safety.

I was now in a room with Nik and our babies, we put them in a thing that we quickly did as cribs with wood when we come to this place, it didn't took much time with the vampire speed and our claws. They were now finally asleep, because I was a vampire, I couldn't give them milk so I had to give them some cow's milk with the right temperature that we can give to babies.

Now that I was sure Henrik and Elizabeth were good and safe (considering everything), I needed to have a conversation with Niklaus because he is probably vulnerable with everything and he wasn't himself since we got out of the castle.

"Nik, are you now going to tell me what's wrong?" I asked him making him look at me and stop drawing in his sketchbook, whatever he was drawing.

"Nothing. Just the Mikael situation."

"Niklaus Mikaelson, do not lie to me." I said.

"Alright, love. The truth is that I am thinking in what Finn told you and... He is right, I'm the one who cause this all thing. You know what happened in that night. I'm the one who made you go on the run while you were pregnant and now that we finally got a place that was safe to everyone and specially to our babies, Mikael appeared. I should just leave you all, maybe it was the best for everyone and specially to you, Henrik and Elizabeth to have a life without me, without having ta life of running around with no destiny and without safety. I..." He was saying and I slapped him with tears in my eyes fighting to not come out but I couldn't fight it anymore and felt a few tears running through my face.

"How dare you to say something like that? How can you think that abandon your wife and your babies is the best for everyone. No kid is better without their father, you should know that better then anyone else..." I said with tears running from my eyes. "Wait. Is this just an excuse? Are you with second thoughts about me and about being a father?"

Timeless (Klaroline Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora