Chapter 50

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Final Chapter. eeeeekh



I exit the bathroom to greet an extremely handsome looking man grinning from ear to ear in a black suit looking every bit like the agent that he was. His dark hair was pushed back out of his face which made him look like he was off for a photoshoot rather than a call back to work.

"What are you doing?" I ask a little self conscious since I was still in my pajama bottom and my hair was a crazy mess from sleep.

"I'm getting ready for my next assignment." He pulls out a little device and places it in his ear.

"Which is?"

I wasn't sure if what he will say next will be pleasing to my ears but I had made the choice of accepting his career he had chosen simply because I had chosen to live a life with him, a decision I had made wholeheartedly and on my own.

"I'm about to find out today and I have been asked to take you along with me."

"Me? Why?"

"Someone wants to meet you." Zach shrugs still grinning.

"Well okay. I just need to pray first...." I say but then his eyes catches me in mid step and there is a look in his eyes that makes my heart skip a beat and my body to slow. I blink back thoughts of yesterday and force my self to concentrate on my path to my towel.

It's sickening how much I actually fancied Zach. I had not noticed before but now I realise I had, for a long time now.

"You can pray there. I'm sure I can arrange a room for you, and besides, I need to pray too. We'll get late if we wait around for Zhur to arrive."

I gain back some sense and mentally shake my head to a clear. Trying to remember what exactly I was on my way to do.

There was that grin again, with an added spark to his eyes.

"Why are you..?" I begin to question but his demeanor takes a sudden turn and his grin only grows as he begins to take slow steps forward, until eventually, he is right before me forcing me to back my steps up all the way to the bathroom door. "Urmm...Zach, What are you doing?" I question unable to bring myself free from his irrepressible mischief.

This wasn't the first time he had done this. He was trying another one of those things he thought was funny. I want to escape but get caught up in his perfect smile. His teeth shine along with the sunlight infiltrating the room, his jawline sharp, accentuated. He had really been hitting the gym lately, even inviting his heavy equipment's into to our own bedroom. If he wasn't with me then he was with his training equipment. And if he wasn't training then he was with me.

His dark eyes narrowed, yet still sparkling with the hint of mischief.

I gulp backing up another step and lean backwards against the door. I was completely in a trance captivated by just his mesmerising eyes. The door loosens and my eyes grow wide as I realise I had not closed the bathroom door shut completely and was about to fall. I'm about to scream when Zach grips my arm and jerks me towards him flush against his chest.

He only stares into my eyes oblivious to the fact I almost fell back on my backside.

He leans in, one hand above me and the other that went behind until I feel the door close shut against my back.

I was trapped by his big frame with no way out.

A smile makes it's way to his face as he slowly reaches behind him bringing forth a book.

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