Chapter 12

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I take my towel off my head and shake my head hoping my hair would dry before Zach got back. It was almost completely dry just a little wind would do the trick. I sat by the window and the air felt nice against my bare face. It was a nice day. Warm but breezy. Just the perfect weather to have. No wonder everyone was outside enjoying the weather. I could hear kids laughter travelling through the air as they ran and shouted in joy spraying water at each other.

The breeze sent my hair hurling backwards and this was just the perfect way of reading without my hair interrupting my visions on the pages like usual.

No disturbances .Just me and my book. Just like old times. I smile skimming through the pages trying to locate my bookmark only for it to fade the moment I hear a distinctive ring coming from my bag.

I let my hand drop as a sigh escapes my lips having been forced to get up and answer it after scanning all the contents of my bag.

I look to the screen and resist the urge to roll my eyes.


Great! Now what?

I was quick to answer but then hesitate at the sound of his breathing. "AssalamuAlaykum."

This is the first time I was speaking to him through a phone. Had I actually hesitated on how to greet him? Wow that was bizarre.

We had never really greeted each other when we first met or we never even said hello or AssalamuAlaykum when we would see each other around the house in passing.

To my surprise he responds to my greeting. "Wa AlaykumAssalam. Look out." He tells me immediately.

"What?" I frown.

"I need to see that your still there and okay so come out onto the balcony."

"Of course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Just do it. Or else I'm going to have to come back up." His annoyance vivid in his speech.

I roll my eyes. "Hang on." I say while I grab my towel placing it back on my head and making my way out on the balcony.

I skim my eyes across the field and everyone just looks so small that its hard to make out any faces.

"Good. I see you. I was just making sure." Zach tells me.

I look everywhere but I don't see him. I can just see some kids playing football and make out people walking around but I don't see Zach.

"I can't see you. Where are you?" I squint shading my eyes from scorching sun.

"I'm down here by the footpath." And when I follow the footpath with my eyes I can make out someone waving up at me with the other hand held to his ears.

"Okay good. So anything else?" I ask before he interrupts me again.

"No thats just-what was that?" Zachs voice changes.

I wish he hadn't heard the knocks. It was probably someone bringing me my MnM's.

"It's nothing. Just someones at the door." I move to open it but Zach stops me.

"Don't open the door." His voice comes through the phone a little breathy and distant.

Was he running?

"Relax I had just ordered some MnM's."

He ignores me and I can hear his footsteps as he runs. "Go to my bed and look under the mattress. You'll find a gun. Take it and.."

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