Chapter 42

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I don't say a word and endure all the bumps and harsh turns on the road. The taxi man did not speak nor cough nor sneeze he was a man on a mission and I was thankful that he did not say anything. I didn't fancy talking to someone who was aiding a kidnap. But did he even know what he was doing?

I wanted to ask so many question but instead I knew it was best not to ask. The answers that I wanted were probably not the answers I was going to hear.

I glance at my phone for the umpteenth time. It was a blank screen. If I turned it on maybe just maybe it would help in being discovered. But then what if my kidnappers found out? They would hurt father and that was not a risk I was willing to take. I had to be brave. This was a test and so I murmured a thousand calls to Allah asking for his help and aid.

The car abruptly stopped without warning and luckily I didn't fly across the car thanks to the seatbelt I had decided to wear. This guy really was a terrible driver. The taxi man gets out first and walks forwards leaving me on my own. I glance along the long road and realise we were well away from civilisation. If I was to run I would be running for hours until I met anyone. I wanted to check the time but turning my phone on would be a mistake so I estimate it to be roughly 45 minutes to an hour since I left through the toilet window. I was far from Zach. I just knew it. By now he should have realized I was gone. What would be his reaction? Was everyone looking for me? Had anyone noticed that my father was missing too? I squirm in discomfort waiting to see what was to happen with me.

I don't get out and neither did I want to. I just watch curiously as another tall man leaves his car and greets the taxi man. They share a brief few words and then a stack of cash is handed to the taxi man.

Of course. Money, I should have guessed. Perhaps if I had offered double would the taxi man then change his mind. But then again this was not about saving me anymore. This was about saving father.

The two men then turn and head towards me and fear clenches my stomach as they approach. I grip my phone tight when the door is yanked open. My legs tremble and my eyes gloss over with fear as the tall mans face comes into view.

I see both their faces for the first time. The taxi man was an Asian. I had guessed this from the colour of his neck through the long drive to here, and the second man was pale and lanky dressed in nothing but black clothing. His face gave off a menacing look and it frightened me. His ugly character showed on his face. Clearly his foul heart was leaking and poisoning his once good looks.

"Get out" The lanky one orders in a harsh tone. I glance at him wearily and fear creeps in because it seemed I was going to be man handled from here on. I try to think straight and force my legs to cooperate.

I creep out ever so slowly and then stumble over a protruding rock which I miss due to my nerves and fear all entangled up and the terror howling through my mind blocking me of access to think straight.

I feel the bile rise up as I hit the ground and then scramble on all four as I loose control of my stomach. My stomach twists in pain, eyes watering as I heave heavily trying to regain control. I look to my vomit stained blouse and then notice a movement in front of me. A pair of dark boots decorated with my vomit. I felt no regrets as I push myself up. Each of the men both take a step back twisting their face and scrunching their nose. They were keeping their distance and I no longer felt scared as I did before.

The lanky one swore at me and showed his dislike at me a few other times before snatching up my phone that had slipped from my hand and throwing it into a nearby bush with force.

He poked me from behind and pushed me to his car. But before I could get in he stopped me and handed me a box of tissues gesturing that I should clean myself up before getting in.

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