Chapter 1

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~Lets run Because we have something waiting for us~

" Yo get your ass up"

Heather whispered in Lola's ear making her tickle. Lola groaned as she buried her face more in the warmth of pillow

" G'away"

Lola mumbled sleepily making Heather whined.

" Seriously is this even you? usually you are the one dragging my ass out of the bed "

Lola mumbled something incoherent words in the pillow as Heather peeled the cover off from her. She smirked as she looked at her older sister who was trying to get a hold of the comforter but failed.

" Am gonna kill you" Lola groaned as she sat up and glared at her sister who grinned sheepishly.

" Tell me a good reason why you woke me up," Lola gritted her teeth as she let those words slip from her almost closed teeth." On Saturday"

Heather grinned nodding as Lola tried to have a grip on the comforter but Heather threw the comforter on the floor.

" I had this dream" Heather shrieked as she dreamily stared up. totally ignoring the death glares.

" You seriously woke me up for that ? That's bullshit" Lola grunted shaking her head.

" Hey just listen first alright"

Heather mumbled while pouting. Lola huffed then nodded letting her know that she can continue her chant

" Thank you, and You are Bullshit"

Heather mumbled as she glared then started to rant

" So I was saying that I saw a dream it was surreal. I met a boy. Alas I don't remember anything about the boy. But his eyes " Heather smiled as she remembered those Amber eyes.

" Those eyes just y'know can't be like forgotten. They were mesmerizing"

She whispered as she flopped on her back. Staring at the ceiling. Her hands laying on her stomach. Lola sighed but a smile made it's way up.

" Do you think dreams come true?"

Lola smiled while she Leaned back beside her sister.

" Yeah," she mumbled as a smile spread on her face. "Yeah I do believe"

Heather smiled widely as she side hugged her sister then got up and Skipped out of their room.

" Time to clean the house" Lola muttered to herself as she got up.

" Do you think superman will come and scoop me up?" Heather asked dreamily as she washed the dishes

Lola grunted rolling her eyes in annoyance as she cleaned the floor. But chuckled at the choice of her words. ' scoop . It seems like she is talking about ice cream more than herself.'

" What's with you today?" She whined as she observed her little sister's behavior.

Heather never talk like that. Sure she talks about superheroes but about a certain boy sweeping her off her feet?Nope. That's not likely her

" I don't know I fell like maybe the superman will come for me" Heather mumbled as she set the dishes in a drawer. Her blue eyes darting to the another set of dishes that were smirking at her. She sighed already feeling tiredness creeping up. She washes them every day and every day she feel that she doesn't know them . And that every time she looks at them they seem to be smirking at her for a reason that she has to wash 100 plates and twice a day.

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