One By One Pt 1

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Trigger Warning: Mentions of purging, and eating disorders also slight self harm

Taehyung felt so bad. He just ate a full meal. He'd starved for so long he wasn't sure his stomach could hold it much longer. Immediately after dinner, he got up and went to the bathroom. Thankfully, the other members didn't pay much mind. He sighed and repeated the same routine; throwing up everything he just ate until he threw up stomach acid.
This time, however, he didn't realize Hoseok, bless his soul, had went after Taehyung. Worried for him, even more so after he saw what he was doing. Hoseok stayed there, frozen in his place until Taehyung got up. They made eye contact. Taehyung looked like a  deer caught in headlights. Hoseok never said anything, to Taehyung that night, or to the other members. In fact Hoseok was quieter now, Everyone wanted to know what was going on. One by one they found out about Taehyung, and one by one they all realized why Hoseok became quiet, as they all became more quiet themselves. They didn't talk to Taehyung about it for whatever reason, and most importantly they didn't talk to each other about it. But would they finally find their words before Taehyung spirals out of control?

Jin kept noticing Taehyung wasn't eating. He had a snack drawer set out for the makenes (They had more time to snack than their hyungs) And Jimin was dieting, so he rarely ever took out of it, and Jungkook wasn't much of a snacker. It was always Taehyung taking stuff out of it. Within the last month, the drawer stayed completely full. Also when Jin cleared the plates after dinner each night, Taehyung barely touched any of it. The real teller was the night he refused to eat at all.

"Not hungry Hyung.." Taehyung muttered when Jin said dinner was ready. They had practiced all day, and hadn't had time for any meals. If Taehyung refused this, he hadn't eaten at all today.
"Taehyung please eat, none of us have eaten all day!" Jin half-whined. Taehyung stood up and shook his head.
"Not hungry.. Gonna go to the gym.. work out..." His voice sounded so strained, and weak. Jin's heart broke for the boy. He had lost weight. That was clear. Not wanting to argue with the boy, as he was too tired, he let him go. He jumped a little bit when the door slammed behind him.
As he walked into the kitchen, he muttered "Something's wrong with him..."
"What was that?" Namjoon asked.
Jin sighed and sat down "Nothing."
"Where's Taehyung?" Yoongi asked.
"Not hungry he said. Went to the gym." No one else thought anything of it, but that was Yoongi's first clue.

Hey sorry this took so long. It's only the first part because my computers about to die so i'll work on it later but i wanted to get something out. it's not as long as i wanted it to be. So enjoy this part and i will finish this and update fate later

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