Yoongi's First Mistake

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*Hey guys sorry I didn't update this when I said I would but school starts on Tuesday and i got busy. Anyway here's the chapter*

So Yoongi's not the brightest all the time. It's obvious that Taehyung needs someone, he's going through a hard time. That's obvious anyone could see that. And Yoongi, being a good hyung should've went to him. Asked him what was wrong, comforted him. But nope, he ain't the sharpest tool in the shed. (i actually hate myself ok bye Ill go home) To make a long story short:

Yoongi has always had a crush on Taehyung.

And I mean a big crush. So you'd think that when Yoongi found out something was wrong with Taehyung, he'd rush to him and make sure it was okay. 

Here's what actually happened. So Jungkook and Jimin, being the angels they are; god bless, went to Yoongi about Taehyung. 

"Hyung, I'm sorry to bother you, but this is important." Jungkook says as they walk into the genius lab. 

"I'm sure it's not super important." Yoongi muttered while working on a song in their new album. 

"It's Taehyung he's-" Yoongi interupts. 

"I'm sure he's fine. Whatever's happening is his old problem. Now if you mind, I have a deadline for this song." 

"Yes Hyung." Jimin muttered, tears brimming in his eyes. All he wanted was for Taehyung to be okay. They walked out of the room Jimin held Jungkook as he cried. 

"I thought Yoongi would.. you know... understand and help Taehyung" Jungkook sobbed into Jimin's chest. Jimin felt a tear fall down his cheek and into Jungkook's soft brown hair.  

"Namjoon.. Namjoon will listen. He has too, he has too."


Yoongi loved Taehyung. He realized this while at practice, watching Taehyung run through some moves with the choreographer during their break. Just staring at him, so focused. Yeah, Yoongi loved him. So when Jimin and Jungkook came to him a few days before saying something was wrong with Taehyung, he was worried sure but he couldn't focus on Taehyung right now. He had an  album to finish. Taehyung wasn't the first of his worries. 

And that was Yoongi's first mistake. 


There you go! If this is confusing to anyone basically it's a domino effect; Yoongi paying attention to the album first, thinking that the album is more important will effect Taehyung massively. There will come a time where Taehyung will find out some stuff and Taehyung will lock Yoongi out of his life when he needs him most. Did you make the right choice? 

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