Headfirst For Halos

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The last thing Yoongi remembers is a nurse running in Taehyung's room yelling, "Get a doctor, we're losing him!", then it all goes black.


'It's almost as if God does this to us on purpose', Namjoon thinks to himself as he drives to the hospital for the second time that night. He's nervous, they didn't tell him what happened, only that Taehyung wasn't ok and Yoongi was unconscious. Jin was losing his mind at this point, crying hysterically, mumbling "I can't lose them." over and over. Hoseok was calming Jimin down who was in the same state as Jin, if not, worse. Jungkook just stared off into space, god knows how all this was affecting him. He's still so young, Taehyung's so young- none of this should be happening, but it is.

Namjoon's staring ahead, not taking his eyes off the road, trying to keep his mind focused on driving, an impossible task as it was racing a mile a minute. 


Once they got to the hospital, Yoongi was awake, sitting in a chair beside Taehyung's bed. Obvious bags under his eyes, hand in Taehyungs. He jumps a little when Namjoon speaks.

"He's okay." Yoongi looks over to the 5 boys in different states of despair. Hoseok, on the verge of a breakdown, Jin calmed down but still unstable, Jimin still silently crying and Jungkook still out of it. Yoongi runs his free hand through his hair before he answers with a sigh. 

"Y-yeah, he's alright. They brought him back. He's still in a state of vegetation though. He might pull through, the doctor said the flatline meant his body's reacting to us, and he's fighting to come back." Namjoon nods as he walks into the room more, the others following him. They sat in silence for a while before the nurse walked in, Namjoon stands up realizing that visiting hours are over and they want them to leave but,

"I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm just here to let you know that," she glances at Yoongi and Taehyung, "given the circumstances, you can stay the night here. We can get you a room or-" 

Namjoon looks over at the rest of the boys, sleeping, deciding they look too peaceful to wake up right now. He whispers, "I think we'll just stay in here." 

The nurse nods, " Have a good night" She bows and walks off. Namjoon tiredly waves after her before falling into the most restless sleep he ever had. 

- (Time skip to like 2 days later? Idk it's late and I'm tired lol; they're at home, Taehyung still in a coma) {Idk how to explain this but it's in 3rd person still but it's Jungkook centric} -


Jungkook's mind just keeps playing the image of Taehyung, passed out on the bathroom floor, blood everywhere. It just keeps haunting him. The image won't go away, won't leave him. And he doesn't think it ever will. 

"Kook. Kookie." Snapping back to reality, he looks up to see Jin looking down at him worriedly. "You okay?" Jungkook looks around wildly, trying to straighten his thoughts. It's only when Namjoon enters the room, standing behind Jin that his breathing evens out and he can nod without lying too much. Namjoon and Taehyung seem to be the only ones who can calm him down.

Namjoon was the reason he chose Bighit after all.

"Y-yeah, I'm okay. I'm fine."


ah okay ik its such a lackluster ending but i will make a part two to this chapter i just wanted to update this!

it's terible ik 

but fun fact,, the first part was written before I kinda fell out of the fandom and the second half was after,, which part do you think is better? or can you even tell? i kinda want to know!


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