One By One Pt 2

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I'm currently using a face mask from korea im excited lol anyway here the second part!

Yoongi's second clue that something was wrong with Taehyung was his behavior. After that night that he refused to eat, Yoongi paid better attention to Taehyungs behavior, and it was obvious to the older that Taehyung was depressed. Having suffered from depression himself, he knew what the behavioral symptoms and it just so happened he has all of them. He just thought it was depression though. Not eating is something most depressed people do, he didn't think it was that extreme.  That was his first mistake, the rest would follow. (But that's another chapter lol sorry) 

Namjoon didn't notice anything other than slight lack of energy in the younger when dancing but they all hadn't been getting a lot of sleep so he didn't think much until he noticed he never took breaks. If he was that tired and worn out you think he'd be resting during the break but nope. His second red flag happened a few days later;

Taehyung knocked shakily onto the door of Namjoon's studio.

"Come in!" Namjoon called. Taehyung looked nervous when he walked in the door.
"H-hey Namjoon? I heard you and Jin had one of the strictest diets, and I couldn't find Jin so I thought i'd ask you for you're diet because i wanna lose some weight..." Taehyung kept rambling.
"Woah! Slow down! You want to use our diet?"  Taehyung nodded.
"I-i'm trying to lose some weight..  if you're busy i'm sorry for bothering you.."  The younger bowed slightly to show respect.
Namjoon was dumbfounded. There was no reason to bow or apologize. He was working on lyrics, and he wasn't on a deadline- yet. He was happy to take a break and help Taehyung. But Taehyung didn't need to lose weight. He was skinny enough. Namjoon personally thought that Taehyung could actually gain a few pounds. But Namjoon sent Taehyung off with the diet with the warning

"Once you lose a few pounds go back to your original diet, you don't need to lose that much weight, Tae.."

"Of course Hyung, I'll go back."
Taehyung did not go back.


Jimin and Jungkook, being the closest to Taehyung, noticed a little bit more than the others, the noticed the more severe stuff.

(Warning self harm mentioned)
One day the three boys were lounging on the couch on their day off watching a movie. Taehyung, as he normally does, fell asleep half way through it. When Jungkook noticed, he immediately mentioned it to his hyung.
"Hyung look! TaeTae's sleeping!" He whispered to Jimin.
"Aigoo, look how cute he is. He's lost some weight." Refering to Taehyungs hollowed in cheeks from extreme weightloss.
"Yeah, I need to tell Jin-hyung to shove food down his throat, he's too skinny.." Jungkook said both teasingly and serious and sad.
While this exchange was happening, Taehyung moved in his sleep, causing his hoodie to come up and reveal his wrist.
Jungkook gasped when he saw it.
"Hyung! Look at his wrist!" Jimin had a similar reaction when he saw it.
"Is he?" Jimin choked out.
"Cutting himself?" Jungkook finished in a strained voice. The two boys looked at each other, both with horror written on their faces.
Tears streamed down Jungkook's face as he held Taehyung in his lap, stroking his hair.
"Hyung.. What did you do?" Jungkook sobbed.
Jimin held onto Jungkook with silent tears streaming down his face.
They didn't know what to do.
Theres part two! All together its over 1,000 words so i'm happy with it! Hope you like it too! Let me know in the comments!

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