The Ghost Of You

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Song for the chapter: The Ghost Of You- My Chemical Romance (RIP)



"I'm sorry boys, Taehyung has fallen into a coma, we're not sure if his body will respond to the blood transplants or not. His brain thinks he's already lost too much blood to be saved. We've put him on life support to keep him alive. His brain may start shutting down organs." Was all Yoongi heard before he started running. Running out of the hospital, down the street, until he stopped by a bridge. He wasn't gonna jump, no, he was smarter than that. He just sat on the edge staring down at the water thinking about how he fucked up. 

Taehyung was running too, running out of time. Yoongi could have stopped it, but he didn't. It started raining and all Yoongi could think about was 'Seems right.'

This was such a great day, such a great fucking day. 

Before Yoongi knew it, tears started pouring from his eyes. (his eyes were having a northern downpour oof I'm sorry) 

He couldn't lose Taehyung he just couldn't. He-he loved him, he knew it. 

"I love Kim Taehyung," he said out loud, causing people passing by him to look at him weirdly. "I love him." 

He sat there for what could have been 30 minutes or what could have been 3 hours just repeating over and over "I love him, I love him, I love him. " Closer to 3 hours because he got a call from Namjoon just as the sun was setting. 

He answered but didn't talk.

"Listen Yoongi, I don't know where you are, but you have an hour before visiting hours are up at the hospital and I suggest you talk to him. It might help him wake up, you know. But afterward, please come home. Jin is freaking out and he can't lose both of you. None of us can-" Yoongi hung up and took off running again.

He ran into Taehyung's hospital room and sat down. Catching his breath before speaking. 

"Hey, Taehyung. I'm guessing you can hear me. So well um.. Why? I-i can't believe you'd do this to me. U-um... please wake up, i-i need you. Taehyung, I love you!" He sat in silence for a moment, but only a  moment until a loud beeping went off through out the room signaling a flatline.

Taehyung's heart had stopped.

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