BB19 recap, and self introduction

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Hi! My name's Shaiyann
I like kpop, animation, and am a huge book fanatic as well as fairy tale fanatic. I usually write about fantasy and sci-fi crap. But this is toatally  different for me because, I'm writing about a reality tv show. And this is my first time actually taking a liking to reality tv. I thought it was a bunch of crap where girls pull drama outta thin air and start fighting about it. (Shows like this hurt the mental condition of one's brain). But when I actually started watching Big Brother the tea was real.🍵🍿🍿Big Brother is a really good show because its filled with strategy, heart break, and blind sided back stabbing. It isn't a bunch of bitches just try'na get rich off of cat fights. But it's strategic and really messes with one's mind 😆.
BB 19 Recap and personal opinions
At the end of Big brother we see two people who fought long and hard through the game waiting for Julie to make the announcement. Those two people are Paul and Josh. And out of those two people Josh pulls through and wins the crown. First of all, I thought Josh played a clownish game with the whole "Pots and Pans" in everyone's ears 24\7. And he allways started unessacary drama. Meanwhile Paul was an untouched puppet master and played EVERY SINGLE side. While everyone one was really blind to the power he actually helt. How ridiculous? He should of won. No question about it. Him or Christmas. They played genuis games.

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