BB20 ep2 HOH

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Episode recap~
First of all, can I just say how much I personally like sam?? She's a very genuine person. And she said that she came to this game with no other game plan, but to be herself. And she can't even do that rn, because she's a robot!!
But any way, BB says that she must stay as a robot once she hears "robot online". And come back as a robot once she hears, "robot offline".
It makes me really worried for her.
But anyways, we leave off after we see that Kate got caught talking shit about swaggy c. 🍵🍵🍿🍿
But later in the episode, when kate is confronted she claims that she was just caught up in the moment. And her, swaggy c, angie, and Balyeigh share a bond when they are doing a meditation. (Btw, I think I may be missing more ppl in this allience just leave a comment telling me who it was, ty 😊)
So with that being said they form an allience. Is it a trustworthy allience?
I gots no idea.
But seeing how Kate talks shit. Idunnooo...
HOH comp
So when we enter the competition we see that everyone must fill up tubes with deletion balls. Poor sam and Steve are the first ones knocked out.
And Bayleigh and Tyler are the last two budding heads to compete for deletion balls. And eventually Tyler pulls through. And intersting enough nominates sam and steve for eviction to get the least blood on his hands..
I allways hate those moves.
I want someone to draw a damn line in the sand allready, GODDAMMIT.
But I guess this move was best for his game. Especially since, Surfer boi Tyler just wants to play dumb the whole game, and expect to win.
My guess is surfer boi, Tyler stays untill final 10, at most. Then someone suspects something and puts his ass up for eviction. Probably Bayleigh.
~ From outside the Big Brother house, I'm a BB reviewer, see you next time~

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