BB20 2hr season premeire!!

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[Season20 ep1 review!!]
So, literally one hour ago i just finished watching Big Brother20's season premeire. And right off the bat, Julie announces the theme of this season. Technology and games. It's a very interesting concept. And people have to admit that we are getting more reliant on technology. But in a way, i found this theme stupid because the house guests can't even really use technology. In fact, the first thing Julie says is, "Kiss the outside world and your technology bye because for the next 90 days you'll be living without it." 😂

But any way,  let's move on to this very interesting character selection... We have life coaches... Athletes... Fitness models... And psycholigists. Right off the bat, personallity wise I felt more connected with Katlyin, the life coach. Kaycee, the football player, Sam And Bayleigh.( Sorry if I butchered that name.) I'm really attracted to free spirits. And I thought they had really good oras, get it?? Oras??
I like how Baysleigh was able to make herself known the second the game started by greeting people with welcome and open arms. I probably admire her energy the most.
But I knew all that was going to change soon once they started game play. And started to initiate strategy.
So, after the beginners competition we see two losers. Kaycee and Sam. 😭
I LIkED TheM WHyyyy??
But boohoo, they got the humorous little punishments that everyone gets to laugh at till the end of the week!
But to be honest, I thought they would get more severe punishments to their game. That shit was just a slap on the rist!
Like, i'm not gonna sit here for an hour, every Wensday, Thursday and Sunday for a sucky-ass slap on the rist. 😪
That's not what's happening here.
But I'll tell you what is...
And backdoors
Soooo many backdoors.
Anyway, after the beginners comp the winners take eachother on and to be honest I was at the edge of my seat for that. The pair that go choosen to compete couldn't be better. Swaggy C and Angela were two very right off the bat competitve people. And out of those two, Swaggy C pulls through. And with that power he saves himself, and the group from which he came.
Right after this the show ends, we see a very speacial little clip when ease dropping on the houseguests!!
We see Angie and Kate conversating about why Swaggy C's desicion was so stupid. And I'm kind of convinced that Swaggy C is gonna put them on the block some how, when HOH is commenced. Because right after this we see him place his ear near the door and actually hear what they had to say!!
Like, what????
Are you kidding me??
This is crazy. It's day one and they allready put their feer in hot water.
Knowing the big mouth he has.
He's definately gonna say something.
I'm toatally intrigued.
~Untill' tommorrow, BB fans.~

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