BB20 ep 3

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~Episode 3 Recap~
Tell me why, in the second episode he was all like, "Bayleigh's my sister in the house and I would never really get intimate with her....yadayadayada.."
And in this episode Bayleigh was like,  "I would never get close Swaggy C-" and she went on to ramble on about how him giving himself that  nickname was toatally idiotic. But then about two scenes later we see them alone together kissing in a bed. Like, it's mad obvious.
Okay, let's get real here.
I ship it.
But I don't think it's good for either of their games. So they should probably keep it on the low-low.
One, Swaggy is establishing himself as this comp-beast. And basiclly showing everybody that he runs the house. And I don't really think you can run this house with a public showmance.
Two, Bayleigh is a real social butterfly. And is freindly with everybody.
So once the others find out she's in a showmance. They'll realize that they're a double threat and pick their targets easier. So, for their game's sake I hope they are able to mantain a secret relationship.
America's Favorite
Can I just say HOW excited I am for America's Favorite to go to Sam!!! Jsbdhsjsvsjdndndndmdn
She needed it so much.
And I really personally like her.
She didn't deserve for her social game to basiclly go down the damn drain like that. She seems like a genuine person. She just needs to stop crying about her problems and start fixing them. You don't want to be seen as that one moap moving throughout the house. If that's the case people will start mumbiling about how you're an easy ass target to get out of the house.
I hope she gets an invitation to join an alience soon or fucking create her own because I wanna see more game play for her.
Other than that, the veeto is on Wensday. And I'm HYPE BRO.
Sam better win that veeto even though she has a new power. But bitch better win and start talking game with everyone before my ass march up in that house and shake shit up 😂.
~From outside the big brother house, it's ME BITCH. See you in the next episode.~

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