Episode ten! Kate's eviction

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- whaaat?? Kate was evicted??
- If she didn't give up for 10-15 seconds on that puzzle, I know for a FACT that she would've made her way back into that house.
- 😣 I'm sad to see her go, I know in my heart that she's a genuine person and was just playing the game. I've gained mad respect for her over the course of the game.
- The whole house flipped on her.
- And I do think there was a hate train against her game, and here mere character online. But I don't ride hate trains. I ride solo. And if you ask me, I respected her game play and her character her game play was bold. And she was genuinely a nice person, as far as I see. But she's gone now. And that's another person down in BB house.
- Who do I think may win?- Tyler or Sam probably. They've allways got their necks in the HOH, but they are never mentioned even as a choice to go up. 🤔

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