Part 4 (first date)

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I got dressed and ready to go. I walked downstairs and Lucas was in livingroom.

-"Where are you going all dressed up?" He asked me...
-"To dinner" I answered...
-"With who?" He asked...
-"With Karen" I answered...
-"ok" he said with look in his eyes...

I walked out the door. Alex wasn't here yet. I texted him and let him I will be driving with my car so that  Lucas doesn't see him.

Few minutes later I was at restourant we were suposed to meet. He was allready waiting for me.

-"Hi. You look stuning" he said and kissed my cheek...
-"Hi. Thank you. You don't look so bad yourselfe" I said...
-"Lets go inside." He reached for my hand and led me inside...

We got our table and ordered dinner.

-"So. How is Lucas?" He asked...
-"He's good. We're good" I said...
-"That's good. We talked and made up too" he said as he took a bite of his food...
-"That's good"

We sat there and talked for some time. After we ate he paid for it. We walked out of restourant. There was park near. We walked there.

-"Hey. There us Ice cream truck. Do you want some?" He asked...
-"Yeah sure. Chocolate please" I smiled...

Few minutes later he was back with two ice cream cones. We sat down on the bench and talked about random things. The night went on. It was allready 10PM.

-"I should get going" I said as I stood up...
-"Yeah. I should too" he stood up next to me. He took step closer. His hands started to reach for mine...
-"Um" I was speachless...
-"I like you Karly." He said as he held my hands. He leaned and kissed me...
-"I like you too Alex" I said...

We walked back to restourant. I got in my car and drow away. Few minutes later I got home. As soon as I walked in I took off my choes and ran up to my room.

I took my phone and texted Karen.

Keren. I was on a date with Alex.🤗😏


Yeah. It was awesome. We talked... but you can't tell anyone.

I won't. But are you sure you want to get involved with him. You know him. He has a history...

I know. But people change. Right?

I hope so. I want what's best fot you and I hope you know that.😘

I do...

I put my phone down and went to bed. I woke up to a text from Alex.

We are going to park today

What? When?

In about 2 hours

Ok. You can pick me up. Lucas isn't home.

Ok. See you then.😀😘

I got ready. Walked downstairs and ate breakfast. Watched few cartoons becayse why not? And then I heard a door bell. I turned off the TV and opened the door.

-"Wow you look good" Alex said as soon as he saw me...
-"Thank you"

We sat in his car and drow to park

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We sat in his car and drow to park.

-"We are here" he said ans he parked the car...
-"Yeah. It's beautiful here" I steped out of the car looked around...
-"Yeah it is"

We walked in park. It was amazing. We talked, held hands. It felt so sureall but good. About an hour later it was time to go home.

We got back in car. He dropped me of. But before I got out of the car he pulled me in for a kiss.

-"Thank you for coming with me" he said after the kiss...
-"No problem" I smiled...

I walked in the house and found Lucas standing in front of the door...

-"You are dating Alex?" He asked angry...
-"No. And if I was it would be none of your buisness" I said and walked past him...
-"You know him." He said...
-"Yes I do. That's why I know that behind that fuck boy there is someone who is sweet and caring" I said...
-"Karly. You're only fooling yourselfe if you think that" he said...
-"Then let it be a mistake. I believe that people change. Lucas I really like him." I said and looked him in the eyes...
-"Fine. But if he hurts you, I hurt him" he said...
-"No. Because no matter what happens noone is worth you being in jail. beating anyone up. Okey?" I asked him...
-"Okey. What ever you say" he answered...

I walked to my room. My heart was racing. Was it reallt happening to me. My crush likes me. I went to bed with hope. Hope that I will have a happy ending.
Nex few weeks were interesting. I went out on a lot of dates with Alex. My mom was acctually ok with us. We had so many meaningfull conversations. We bonded.

I woke up. It was mid July. Today Alex planned a little piknik. We went over to river. He leyd down a blanket. He pulled out basked full of food.

-"Wow. This is amazing" I said as I sat down on the blanket...
-"Yeah. Special place for special girl" he said and opened the bottle of sparkling water...
-"Aww" I smiled...
-"There is acctually something I wanted to talk about." He said nervous...
-"Well" I said after some silence time...
-"I  wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend" he spit it out...
-"Yes" I said fast...
-"Yes?" He asked...
-"Yes I will be your girlfriend" I said and leaned down for a kiss...

We stayed there for some time. We ate. Went swiming. Enjoyed the sun.  Few hours later it was time to go back home.

About an hour later we pulled up to my house...

-"Thank you for the ride" I said and kissed him...
-"No problem girlfriend" he smirked...
-"It's cute but you don't have to call me girlfiend" I loughed...
-"Ok ok." He kissed me.

I walked in the house and saw mom and Lucas in livingroom watching TV.

-"Hi guys" I went over to them and sat right  in between...
-"why are you so happy?" Lucas asked annoyed...
-"Because Alex asked me to be his girlfriend." I said...

They bouth lookes at me.

-"Just be happy for me" I said...
-"We are. We just don't want you to get hurt" mom said and hugged me...
-"Lucas. Anything to add?" I asked...
-"Karly I love you. Be careful" he said as he hugged me and kissed my head...
-"I will" I said...

I got up walked to my room. I went to bed as official girlfriend if Alex.

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