Part 9 (friends)

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It was the next day. I woke up. The morning was calm. It was sunday so everyone was home. We ate breakfast together and watched TV.

Some time later I walked upstairs and gor dressed. I jumped in the bed and took my phone. There was a text from David.

Karly I need to talk to you🙏

David I don't think we should

Ok. Then I'm just gonna text you it... I didn't know how strong I felt about you when I kissed Anny that night. And to be completly honest she made the first move. But after you said that nothing could happen between us I was broken. I really messed up. And I know that you don't want anything to do with me, and I know that you hate me. I just wanted you to know that I would love to be friends with you. We were friends before anything happened. You were my bestfriend Karly. I miss you! 💔💜

I don't hate you. You were my best friend too. And I miss you too. So... yeah we can be friends.

I put my phone down and started to get ready because Mason was coming over today. Mom was making dinner...

I was helping mom with food as my phone started to ring. It was Ivy...

-"Hi" she said...
-"What are you up to. Can we go out?"
-"Um yeah sure. Lets meet at the park in 10 minutes"

I put down my phone and turned to mom...

-"I need to run out"
-"With who?"
-"Are you gonna tell her about your cancer?" Mom asked nervous...
-"I don't know. I don't want her to tell Jackson. Because then Alex will find out" I said....
-"Well do as you feel is right"

10 minutes later I was at park waiting for Ivy.

-"Hey girl" she said as she walked for behind...
-"Hi Ivy" I turned and saw her...
-"So I needed to talk to you" she said nervous...
-"about what?" I asked...
-"I really need you to tell me if I am doing the right thing. I can't ho to my mom with this. And I no longer speak to Anny after the Alex inscident." The tears started to form in her eyes...
-"What is it?"
-"I've been getting closer to Jackson. And we have a great time. But I think he wants more. But I am.not ready. And I am scared that he will break up with me" she said...
-"Ok. Here's what you do. Firstly you are not doing IT if you're no ready. Secondly you will talk to Jackson about this. If he really loves you he will wait for you." I said and pulled her in to a hug...
-"Thanks Karly. You are the best. I love that we don't have to keep secreta from eachother." She huged me back...
-"About that. Umm there is something I need to tell you. But you can't tell anyone. Not even Jackson. I have cancer" I said...
-"What? Wha..How. when?" She was shocked...
-"I am getting better." I said...

She sat there in silence. I looked at my phone.

-"Ivy I'm sorry but I have to go home. I have a friend that's coming for dinner. So I have to help mom" I said and stood up...
-"Yeah sure. Just am.. Karly" she said...
-"I love you" she said...
-"I love you too" I smiled and went home...

I got home and went to kitchen. Mom was allready done making food.

-"Can I help?" I asked...
-"You can make the table" she said and looked at me...
-"Yeah ok" I said...
-"Did you am.. did you tell her?" Some time later mom asked...
-"Yeah." I answered...
-"How did she take it?"
-"Well. I think that good." I answered as I was putting eating supplies on the table...

It was getting closer to dinner time. Lucas and Karen were watching TV. I was walking to them as tge door bell rang.

-"Hi" I said as I openes the door...
-"Hi" Mason saud and walked in...
-"Give me your jacket" I said and took it.

We sat at the table. Ate dinner and had a good time.

-"Thank you. The dinner was amazing" Mason said as he finished...
-"Thank you" mom saud and smiled as she was sipping her wine...
-"Thank you mommy. It was delicious" I said...

-"Mason can I talk to you? Privetly?" I asked...
-"Yeah sure" ge stood up "excuse me"
-"Lets go to my room" I said and walked upstairs...
-"So what did you want to talk about?" He asked...
-"well. I wanted to talk about yesterday. About the kiss" I said awkwardly...
-"I really like you Karly. I hope it's ok?" He said and a smile pulled at his mout...
-"I like you to. But jus as a friend. I kind of still am nit over Alex. And I wouldn't want to be with you while I am thinking about him" I said...
-"Alex? That guy taht you werw screaming at yesterday? I toughy he lied to you" He asked...
-"he did. And yes it's bad. But we don't choose who we fall for. I know that he is bad for me. But I can't change how I feel. I am sorry" I said and looked at him...
-"No need to be sorry. I have to go" he said and started to walk away...
-"No Mason."
-"It's all good Karly. No worries" he said ans walked away...

I fell in to my pillow and started to cry. Few seconds later I heard how the door closed and Mason walked out. I took my phone and started to text...

Hey! Can we meet up?


Yeah. At the park? At pur place?

Yeah. Sure. See you there in 10 minutes.

I walked to bathroom and took off my makeup. Then walked to my closet and put on jeans and sweatshirt and headed out...

-"Where are you going?" Lucas asked as I opened the door...
-"To walk" I answered and walked outside...

10 minutes later I was at the back of the park. There was an old buss in the woods. I claimed in thrue the widow...

-"Hey. You're allready here" he said as he claimed in...
-"Yeah. Look at this. It hasn't changed since the last time. No one has found it yet" I loughed...
-"Yeah. I came here often. More often since we kind of broke it off" David said and sat nex to me...
-"I haven't been here I think for like a year" I loughed and put my head on his shoulder...
-"I missed this" he said...
-"Me too. I just needed to get out of the house" I said...
-"Why? What's going on?" He asked...
-"well I think I should start with something I don't want to admitt... David I have cancer" I said and grabbeed his hand...
-"What? No. You're lying" I saw a tear in his eye...
-"I wish I was.but you can't tell anyone"
-"I promise."
-"I called you here because I need your addvice about Alex. I kniw that you probably don't feel comfortable talking about boy stuff with me" i started...
-"No no. It's ok. We're friends" he vutt me off...
-"I can't get him out of my head. But I really want to" I said...
-"I wish I knew what to say. What I did whe it happenes with me and you" he started...
-"I am sorry" i cut him off...
-"No. It's not your foult. But ammm. I just waited. I felt awfull and all I wanted to do is tell you how much you mean to me. But I didn't because I knew that it would hurt so much more when you would reject me. So all I can say is.. Don't do anything stupid. He made a mistake. And we all know that like 90% of that mistake was Anny" he daid and pulled me in to a hug...
-"Thank you. I really reallg missed you. Yoi are my best friend. And I love you" I said...
-"I know Karly.I love you too" he said...

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