Part 6 (Something's wrong)

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We waited for 911 to come. Karly was still out. I held her head so that she wouldn't swolow her toung. We waited and about 10 minutes later the ambulance arrived...

-"Who is coming with her" the doctor asked...
-"Mom go with her. I will take the car" I said and ran back inside.

I took my car keys and ran to garage. I sat in the car and texted Karen...

Get dressed. NOW

What why?

Karly is in hospital


I'll explane later. I am going to pick you up. Hurry


I started car and picked up Karen.

-"What's going on?" She asked...
-"Karly just fainted." I said as I drow...
-"Why.  What happened" she asked...
-"I don't know. I DON'T KNOW" I screamed...
-"Lucas calm down" she said calmly...
-"I can't. That's my little sister. Tge doctor from ambulance didn't say much. She said that if it was from stress she would have woken up. But she didn't." I said as I held a cartweel...
-"She is gonna be ok. She has to" Karen said and softly touched my cheek...
-"I hope so" I said...
-"We should call Alex" she started...
-"No. If I see him I will beat him up. And I don't want that to happen in hospital" I cut her off...
-"Why. He is her boyfriend" Karen was confuesd...
-"No. He went out with her just because your sister was paying him." I snapped...
-"What? Anny? Why?" She asked...
-"David. Your sister is in love with David, but he still hopes for Karly." I said...

The rest of the car raid was quiet. We got ot the hospital. We ran in and found my mom sitting in tge waiting room...

-"Where is she?" I asked as I ran up to her...
-"I don't know" she answered...
-"What fo you mean you don't know?" I was getting angry...
-"Noone has said anything to me" she answered and bursted in to tears...

We sat in the waiting room for hours. Noone came out. We didn't know what was happening. We didn't know if Karly is allright.

It was later that night. We were sipping on our hundred cup of coffee when Karlys doctor came out...

-"Are you Karlys family?" He asked as he approuched us...
-"Yes. We are" I answered nervous...
-"Karly is stable now. She fainted because she has a cancer.One of her blood vessel popped which coused a lot of bleeding." doctor said...
-"Wh-h-hat?" Mom asked and started crying...
-"It's acctualy really early so it's miricle we found it." He said...
-"Um. But she is gonna be allright. Right?" I asked...
-"We will try chemotherapy. If that doesn't work we will go in and operat." He answered...
-"when can we see her?" Karen asked right before he walked off...
-"Tomorrow morning"

We sat there for a minute. We decided to go home and come back in the morning..

We woke up. Ate breakfast and went to hospital. When we walked in she was still sleeping. Mom sat next to her bed and took her hand.. she started to wake up...

-"Hi sweety" mom said calmly...
-"Hi mom" Karly answered...
-"Hi sis" I said and sat on her bed..
-"Hi Lucas" Karly said and smiled...

There was a moment if silence.

-"You can come closer" Karly said as she looked at Karen who stood in door frame...

Karen walked closer and sat next to me on Karlys bed. She took Karlys hand and let few tears drop...

-"Ok no. There will be no crying because I will be fine. Ok?" Karly said...
-"Ok" mom and Karen said at the same time...

We sat in her room and talked.

-"So.. are you ok with us dating?" Karen asked Karly...
-"Yes. I am sorry about the way I reacted. I just."she said and couldn't finish the sentence...
-"We know. Alex" I said...
-"I can ask for one favor right?" Karly said as she looked at us...
-"Yes. Of course. Anything you want" I said and looked her in the eyes...
-"Don't say anything to Alex" Karly  said sharply and serious...

It was time for us to go. Karly had to stay in hospital for one more day. Than she could go home.


Mom, Lucas and Karen just left the hospital. When they sat in my room I was holding back my tears, but when they left I couldn't anymore. I started crying. Few minutes later my phone buzzed. It was a text from Alex...

Karly can we talk?

I read the text. I didn't answer. My heart was racing. Even tough Alex lied to me I still had fealings for him.

The next morning I woke up. Today I was going home. I knew that I would have to come back for my chemo. But just waking up and going to sleep in my own bed made it less harder.

Mom and Lucas came to get me. I and Lucas sat in my hospital room  while mom was signing discard papers.

-"So are you ready to go home?" Lucas asked akwardly...
-"Yes. I am." I said and smiled...
-"You know that I didn't do anything with Karen on purpose. I mean I didn't do it to hurt you" he said and grabbed my hand...
-"I know. I just wish you would tell me." I held his hand...
-"I know. I feel awfull. I feel like it's my foult that you're here. Because of all the stress and" he started...
-"Lucas if I wasn't stresing. My vessel wouldn't burst and we wouldn't find out about my cancer. So if anything you saved my life" I said and loughed...
-"Yeah it doesn't feel like it." Few tears started streaming down his face...
-"Lucas what did I say about crying? I am gona be fine. Everything is gonna be ok" I said as I lifted hus head...
-"I know I know. I am sorry" he said and pulled me in the hug...

We sat there together. Few minutes later mom walked in with papers...

-"Lets go home!" Mom said excited as she walked in...
-"Lets go" I answered and got off the bed...

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