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When I get downstairs I see Lee and Noah's Aunt and Uncle and go over to say Hi.  I realized that this was one of the relatives I have yet to meet.  So, as I extend my hand out to them an I say "Hi, I am Elle Evan's Lee's best friend/twin"  The gentleman stands up and says oh, hi I am Tom Spears and this is my Wife Lisa.  So, question for you"   "yes sir I reply"  "Why would Lee's girlfriend be wearing Noah's jersey"  "Oh, Sir please don't take this the wrong way Lee is my best friend my twin that is just to weird the idea of me dating him" I hear Lee say "not to mention just plain Grose"  he starts to make gagging noises "You got that right twin"  I reply June walks in "oh good you introduced yourself dear, did Lee give you what I sent him to your house for I hope you don't mind your dad left us his keys in case you needed anything from the house"  "No, June I don't mind but we have a problem"  she looked at me and says "what seems to be the problem" "that suit I haven't worn since the beginning of last summer before..."  Lee starts laughing "oh, yeah that's right before your lady parts blossomed" I look at Lee and yell "Lee you keep forgetting Rule#2 I am so, telling your brother"  "Oh, come on Shell's don't be mad and please don't tell Noah man the last time I could barely  sit down for a week"  I stick my tongue out at him and take off running  I had just finished pulling off Noah's jersey when  Lee came up behind me grabbed me and said "you are big trouble now Shelly and jumped in the pool".  When I get out of the pool I pull off my shorts flip Lee off and lay down to get some sun.   "Well, well, well looks like the other house guest is H. O. T. HOT."  I look up at him and say "NOT. INTERESTED. GOT.IT."  "Oh come on beautiful or are you Lee's girl"  "I look up and say "no, I am his twin now go away NOT.INTERESTED.  I had just finished putting on sunscreen when I hear "I will do your back"  I look up at him and say  "no thank you I have my twin for that"  I look for Lee see him getting out of the pool.  I yell "hey twin come do my back"  Lee jogs over grabs the sunscreen and  says "come on Blake I got this"  After Lee finished I just started soaking up the sun rays when all of a sudden June comes out and says "Elle phone it's Noah and he is really mad what happened" "coming June I have no idea why he is mad"  I grab her phone and realize he is on face time and he was very upset "hey baby what's wrong" "please Shelly don't argue with me on this I am begging you." "o.k. Noah you are worring me here what is it babe all I am doing is messing with Lee"  "I know but my asshat cousin just sent me pics of you in that damn bikini and let's just say he is so lucky were family but if he doesn't stop that might not stop me either o.k."  "o.k. so what do you want Noah" Please wear your one piece I know my  mom sent Lee for it." "baby we have a problem  I need a new one.  Certain body traits of mine you love are no longer contained by the suit."  "Oh, o.k. you need to go and get a new one.  do I need to send you some money Shelly baby"  I giggle at him "no Noah my dad left me some money plus he will be sending some every week o.k."  "o.k. I am pretty sure you are just trying to get a nice tan before tomorrow but can you please just do something else"  I look at him "of course Noah, I love you"  "I love you too Shelly please stay safe and thank you baby for not fighting me on this  bye"  "bye Noah"

I picked up my shorts and pulled on Noah's Jersey and went into the house just as I was climbing the stairs in front of everyone I hear "so, you and Noah huh" I turn and look at him and  say "yes."  he looks at me and says "you sure he will stay faithful to you there while you are all  the way over here isn't he a player after all"  I look him right in the eyes and say "Look I don't care who you are to Noah, but you will never and I mean never get me to doubt his love for me. "  I turn and march up the stairs and straight into Noah's room.  I hear Lee just before I shut the door "and that ladies and gentleman is why my big bro fell in-love with my best friend/twin this has been brought to you by mess with our Shelly if I don't get you Noah will"

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