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He pulled me close to him wrapping his arms around me.  It felt a little exhilarating being in his arms with just my skirt on.  I reach up to remove his t-shirt when he stops me and presses his forehead against mine.  He stares deep into my eyes and asks me "Would you be up to living out a little fantasy of mine I started having after seeing you in that skirt last year."  I play with the hair on the back of his neck and say "yes"  he steps back and looks me up and down tells me I will be right back.  I groan as he darts out the door.  Where is this infuriating man going?  He comes back with my tie in his hands and says "the look is not complete"  he walks up to me ties it loosely around my neck picks up his phone takes a quick picture tosses it aside.  He then grabs my waist and pulls me up against him slamming his lips on mine.  His hands roam up my back across my shoulders then down my sides.  Never breaking the kiss.  I go crazy clutching his arms wanting to feel the smooth planes of his bare stomach and chest beneath my hand but I was determined to give him this.
He steps back and starts to unbutton his pants.  Since he won't let me remove his shirt I sure as hell am doing this part so remove his hands and finish the job for him he only lets me slide his pants down before he exposes himself to me.  He then lifts me up and carries me to the dresser facing me away from him and bends me over.  With my head hanging down my hair cascading around my face he tells me "look up"  I glance up and realize I am in front of a mirror. I start to blush when he says "look at me don't look at yourself"  As I stare into his eyes I feel him slowly slide inside of me.  He groans saying "damn Shelly you so tight"  He pulls out and slides a little more in.  He keeps moving slowly in and out pushing more of himself in until I am fully impaled on him.  He grabs my skirt in his left hand and right breast with his free hand before he starts moving again.  His movements were getting faster and rougher.  At some point, he has my hair in his hand and he pulls my head back to lay kisses on my neck.  As he picks up the pace slamming me harder and harder I feel my body trembling he removes my tie shoves it into my mouth right before I scream his name as he buries his head in my neck screaming mine.  He slowly pulls out turns me around and kisses me gently. He looks at me deep in my eyes and says "Thank you Shelly"  I look up at him and say "really since last year"  He smiles and nods as he pulls down my skirt and picks up my panties and says "let's get ready for bed. As I am putting my pajamas back on I ask "As soon as you saw me." He replies "No, I was actually annoyed at first because all the guys were staring at you"   He picks me up and tucks me into bed and climbs in next to me.  We both lay on our sides facing each other.  "Then I was furious after Tuppen smacked your ass.  I imagined this that night before I went to sleep.  Needless to say, I realized I was in big trouble because of you."  I giggle and look up at him and say "I love You"  He rolls onto his back pulls me against him and says "I love you too"  Now it's bedtime for my Senior lady" I curl into his side resting my head on his chest drifting off to sleep to the sound of his heart.

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