29. PROM

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The morning of Prom all us girls went to a spa and had massages manicures, pedicures, and our hair and make-up.  We each took a picture of us in our dresses to help the stylists to prepare our final look.  When all had decided to finish getting ready at the Flynn's in one of their guest rooms.  I could hear Noah begging me to let him see and telling him nope not until Rachel and Olivia are ready to plus I still need to put my shoes on.   All, of girls had on bra and panty sets that matched our dresses with garter belts and stocking to match as well. I giggle and said, "hmm maybe we should give them a taste ladies."  I hear Noah groan and I giggle.  I whisper to both of them to take a picture of one of their legs in the stocking and heal and send it to our man with the title open alone but only from the knee down.  We all busted up into giggles and did just that.  After I hear the ping from behind the door. We hear Noah say "so not funny" and I hear him stop off downstairs.  That had us all rolling.  We can also hear Lee and Tuppen downstairs groan "seriously they are so mean."  After we made sure that all our dresses were laying right and our hair and make-up were still good we headed downstairs.  One at a time having June tell us when to come down I deliberately decided to go last.  When I come down Noah's jaw drops and walks up to me and says "wow you are gorgeous.  I don't think I want anyone seeing you tonight."  I giggle and smack his arm.  I hear Mathew say behind me and I got the last one.  I turn and ask him "Last what Mathew."  "June thought you girls would like a picture of the guy's reaction so I took one of each of them,"  I tell them both thank you.  We all posed for the customary pictures of the guys giving us our corsages and couple pictures plus a group shot.  I took one with my dad and of course, Brad wanted one as well.  Actually, all the parents were here so they got shots as well.

As all six of us climb into the limo I rest my head on Noah's shoulder.  He whispers in my ear "this should have been us last year."  I look up at him and smile.  "well we are here now"  He leans down and kisses me deep.  Of course, Lee being Lee has to yell "ahh gross twin." I giggle and smack him upside the head.  We all joke around and teased each other.  I look around at all my friends and Noah and sigh.  Lee looks at me and asks "what is wrong twin"  "well this is our last high school dance. It isn't going to be too long before graduation and we all go our separate ways."  As we all stare off into the distance Tuppen being Tuppen says "True but there is always the parties we will have when we come back but this time they will be college parties."  We all giggle just as the Limo pulls up in front of the hotel Alexander where we are having our prom.

After entering we all decide to get the pictures taken before we start dancing and having fun so we all look our best.  Each one of us takes couple pictures, of course, a group picture of all of us, one of us girls, one of the boys, one of just me and Lee and of course one of me and my Flynn boys.  After we are done with our mini photo shoot we all head out to the dance floor and start to boogie.  When I notice Noah has snuck off and eventually comes back to the group to dance.  After the song ended all of a sudden we hear "This goes out to My Shelly and Little Bro Lee you two have been best friends since birth and will always  Be Together."  Then mine and Lee's song is playing.  I hug Noah and tell him "thank-you" "Just go dance with your twin"  Lee and I, of course, start doing our routine giggling the whole way through.  After the dance is finished I realize Noah was telling me we will always be together.

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