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After I finished all my homework I decided to take pictures of me and all my new clothes for Noah.  This was made difficult because Lee couldn't help me.  After I finished those pics and sent them off I noticed Noah's Jersey laying over the back of a chair.  I think too easy.  I removed my bra and underwear pulled on his Jersey letting one side slide off my shoulder I kneeled on the bed pulled Jersey up so it bunched around my hips I then set up the computer to take a timed photo pulled the front of the jersey down and click.  Before I could chicken out I sent an email to Noah's personal account with the notice only open when alone.  I jumped off the bed to get dressed for bed and wait for Noah to call me.  When I noticed his leather jacket I giggled I just couldn't help myself being adventurous was a little stimulating.  I took off his Jersey pulled on his leather jacket let it hang off my shoulders holding the front together set the timer arched my back while looking at the camera and another picture was taken I had just hit send on this picture with the same heading as before.

When all of a sudden I hear the sliding glass doors to the room open.  "Well, Well you really are a little slut sending those kinds of pics to my cousin."  Damn, I never thought to lock the balcony door.  he looks me up and down as I pull the jacket up and tighter around me and try to back up to the bathroom then all of a sudden he grabbed me threw me on the bed and said "if my cousin already had a taste maybe I can to"  I try to push him off screaming "PLEASE...DON'T DO THIS...PLEASE...STOP"  I heard running up the stairs abd soon after the door is busted open and he is pulled off of me and I hear Lee say "don't bro just let mom and dad handle him she needs you"  Noah lets him go and rushes to me pulling me in his arms "are you Ok. please, Shelly, tell me you are o.k" "I'm OK you got here on time.  I can't believe I forgot the damn balcony door."  I hear Lee say "who would think to lock that damn thing you two go to my room so you can lock yourselves in just keep it clean man" Noah looks at me and realizes what I am wearing what is going on Shelly are you wearing what I think your wearing under that"  I start to blush like crazy.  He just shakes his head walks over to the dresser and grabs me some clothes and sends me to the bathroom to get dressed.  

June didn't think it was a good idea that we hid in Lee's room especially since she had called her brother and told him what had happened.  He tried to blame me for it saying I let Blake in and that I was leading Blake to believe I wanted him.  What Uncle Tom didn't know was that recently very recently I might add June and Mathew had installed a surveillance system that recorded all exits and entrances to the house including Noah's balcony.  Plus to keep Lee and myself honest they had installed cameras inside as well so they had a ton of footage of  Blake harassing me.  June told him enough was enough and said "we are pressing charges on her behalf turning over all the footage to the police.  You don't work for the LAPD Tom so you can't talk your son out of this one maybe now he will learn his lesson"  After giving our statements to the police and them taking Blake away that is when it hit me. "Noah, babe what are you doing home so soon, not that I am not glad your home damn I am so glad your home but you were not due in till tomorrow"  he looks at me a little sheepish and says "surprise."  We all start laughing and June says well since Blake isn't here why don't you two go to the extra guest room. Oh, and Elle he is gone now you can wander around the house with the ring."  I screech run upstairs and grab my ring from it's hiding place just as I am about to slip it back on Noah grabs it and says "allow me my beautiful fiancée."   After he slipped it back on I couldn't help but giggle and I threw my arms around him and planted a kiss on him that made my toes curl.  All of a sudden he pulls away looks at the door and says "oops"  I laugh it's o.k. I think you and your dad can fix it tomorrow. 

I decided to take a quick shower before heading down the hall to the guest room Blake didn't use.  When I walked into the guest room Noah was looking at his phone and I couldn't help but sweep my eyes up and down his body. While checking out my hot fiancee I notice that he is getting a considerable bulge just staring at his phone.  I giggle and say "like what you see?"  He looks up at me pushes the door closed behind me and tells me "Shelly is this what you were doing in my jacket"  I look down at the floor thinking he was upset with me I say "sorry, I didn't th..." "sorry what are your sorry for baby I think they are incredibly sexy and thank you very much for saying they were private I would not have liked or wanted anyone else to see these.  These are for my eyes only. Hhhhm you think you will model this for me the way I ask you to my little vixen."  I look up at him and say o.k.  he pulls off my shorts and panties and has me step into my freshman skirt then pulls off my top and asks me to kneel on the bed again and to wrap my arms across my breasts.  He takes a picture of me  and then says "oh, Shelly what have I done to you my sweet innocent angel is now" I cut him off and say "your hot sexy fiancée"  He growls at and  me pulls me close and says "you realize how much I love you and how much you doing this  means to me.  I never expected it Shelly and it is really not something I want you making a habit of but once in while I do appreciate it."  I look up at him and say "well maybe next time it will be your turn to be adventurous."

THE KISSING BOOTH INVASIONWhere stories live. Discover now