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I spoke to the counselor for all of first-period and half of second-period.  I explained that sometimes I still see Noah lying there on the ground with blood seeping through his shirt and trailing down my arm.  She told me it was natural and that she would like for me to come in once a week to talk about how I am feeling.  I tried to tell her I would be fine and I didn't need to come in but she said that when Tuppen brought me in I was shaking so badly she knew I needed help. So, I had a choice to let her help me or she was calling my dad.  

As I was walking out of the office I bump into Olivia.  She was with two new students and said "oh here you are Elle."  "yep Olivia what's up?" "Well, you know the adopt a new student program." "Well yeah, we were the only lucky ones this year since the Freshman class was too small so we didn't get anyone assigned."  "Yep, that's the one well it is for all new students and these two started today they are twins. This is Alex and Susan.  Since Susan wants to be a cheerleader I figured I would take her and since Alex is on the football team you could take him since the girl's soccer field and football field are close together." "sure, Oh Olivia I have been meaning to ask you would you like to be one of my bridesmaids."  "really Elle I would love to.  Is Tuppen going to he in the wedding?  If so can I please be matched with him."  "Yes he is along with Lee. Of course Lee being his brother he is the best man.  As for Tuppen, duh he is your man."  "o.K. cool"  I actually hear a gun go off and I scream and duck behind the wall.  Then I hear "not funny Warren I am turning you in and not to the principle when Flynn finds out you are playing gunshot noises at Elle he is going to kill you."  All of a sudden we hear "well who needs Flynn.  Warren you forget Flynn asked me to look after Evans.  You are mine."  Warren looks at Tuppen and takes off running.  "Evans it's me Tuppen your ok.  Flynn is ok.  You both are alive and that asshole is dead"  I look up at Tuppen and say "please call Noah I need Noah."  I see him get out his phone and I hear him say "dude, get back here, no fucking Warren played a gunshot in the hall next to Evans and she is on the floor freaking out again.  Yeah, after that stupid book incident this morning she is losing it. OK, We will wait for you"  I feel Tuppen pick me up and pull me against him and say "Flynn is coming, Evans, he will be here soon."  I hear Olivia "I swear I am going to ruin Warren.  That was not funny he is going to wish he never messed with Elle.  After everything I put her through last year she forgave me and has been a good friend after M and G left."

The door bangs open and I hear "Shelly" I turn and throw myself in his arms and say you're alive your still with me."  "Yes, I am right here.  I won't leave you."  I don't know how long he held me like that before I calmed down enough to agree I needed to go to class.  As we were walking I hear "can I help you why are you following us?" "oh, I am assigned to her for the News student program and we have this next class together.  Well at least according to that girl Olivia."  "oh, ok sorry about this. As you probably guessed we were involved in a shooting I took one to the shoulder Shelly here took one in her arm.  I knew she didn't get over it as fast as she was claiming."  "so, you two are getting married?"  "Yeah, I finally convinced her that waiting till I finished college was pointless.  So, we are getting married in Aug.  That way it is after her birthday and before we take off to Boston in the fall."  "Boston really." "Yep I attend Harvard all though I am taking a semester off to recuperate from the shooting.  Shelly here is going to Tufts on a soccer scholarship."  "Wow, that is nice."  "Well here you two are."  I look up at Noah "you do realize I am not in that much shock and I could have answered for myself right?"  Noah started laughing "Well, there is my girl. If you need me I am just a phone call away.  I love you Shelly"  "I love you too Noah"  I reach up and give him a peck on the lips.  I watch him walk away before I follow Alex into class.

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