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Because of his injury, the Dr. recommended for Noah to take a semester off so he could recover from his injury.  Besides the weeks of recovery, he had a few months of recuperation ahead of him.  I was secretly excited he was going to be staying with me.  Luckily when he contacted the university he was able to get the time off.  One day after Noah was released from the hospital.  I received several letters from schools I had applied to.  Since I had been staying at Lee's my dad took the letters to the family dinner we had every Sunday.  Of, course, since we were all together everyone, insisted I open them.  I flipped through them and started opening them.

Columbia-accepted, UCLA-accepted, Harvard-wait listed at this point Noah groaned.  I had one last one to open it was to Tufts-accepted.  Noah jerked his head up and smiled.  My dad looked at me and said: "so looks like you got into your number 1."  "I said yep now I just need to figure out where I am going."  My dad looked at me and asked why "Dad, I didn't get a scholarship to Columbia and since I am waitlisted at Harvard means no scholarship so that one is out as well.  That leaves me with UCLA and Tufts both with full rides.  I just need to decide if I want to play soccer in college since that is how I got the scholarship to Tufts."  Lee looked at me and said "why didn't you tell me you applied to Columbia" "because I wasn't sure how you would feel about it."  Noah finally realized what it meant if I had received a full scholarship to Columbia and he was not happy.  He excused himself and walked off I followed him and he turned and said: "When where you going to tell me?"  "I didn't think you would be too mad we will only be about 3 hours apart."  "Elle we are engaged and you didn't think to tell me." "OK the truth is my dad insisted I fill out the application because before we got together I had told him Columbia was my dream school. He was not going to accept me not applying that is why I didn't apply for a scholarship.  So, I would have an excuse to decline the offer if I got in."  "He grabs me and says "I need you with me.  Especially after all of this.  There is no way I am leaving you again.  When I thought I was going to lose you I felt my whole world come to an end.  Please tell me where you are going to go."  "Noah I just opened the letters I haven't had a chance to decide."  "Bull Elle I Know you" "OK fine I am going to Tufts unless you decided not to go back to Harvard"

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