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M/n and Jungkook stared at the three males talking in front of them, each holding a smile as they spoke. The omegas seemed off into their own little world, them sitting on the floor in a circle. They both silently wondered...

How did wanting to bond with their mates turn out like this?



The two alphas looked at the direction of the voices, their eyes widening at the figures standing several feet away away from them.

Hoseok stood there with his usual bright, wide grin, while Yoongi stared at them with a raised brow, a hint of amusement clear in his eyes. Jimin turned his head to stare at the couple before him. Were they friends of M/n and Jungkook? 

"Yoongi!" As soon as the name left the alphas lips, he let go of Jimin and made his way to the omega. He wrapped his arms around his small frame, smile present on his lips. "It's been a while."

Okay, what the hell is going on?

Meanwhile, Jungkook had left Taehyung to talk to Hoseok, who was continuously side glancing Yoongi and M/n. Jungkook laughed. "Hyung, are you still worried about him?" Hoseok sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Can you blame me though? Yoongi is just... he's my mate!"

Jimin felt himself ease up a bit at hearing him, but he immediately felt himself tense again when he stared at M/n. He had his arms wrapped around his waist, the omega having his around his neck. To add to it, Yoongi had an adorable gummy smile and seemed to not show any sign of letting go soon.

Oh hell no.

Jimin clenched his fists, his lips turning to a snarl. Taehyung walked up to his best friend with a box grin. "Jealous, Chim Chim?"

No response. He was too busy eavesdropping on the conversation.

"It's been fine. Though, still hate being an omega." 

Jimin perked up. He wasn't the only one.

"Ah, that so? You might relate to somebody in a big way then." M/n chuckled and raised a hand to ruffle Yoongi's soft hair. He nuzzled into the hand, his smile not dissipating. "Glad to know that... I'm glad to see you haven't changed. Your personality, it's still much like Hoseok's... I like it."

Jimin growled quietly. He thinks that's enough. Hoseok does too.

The blond walked up to the two males (that were still hugging) and gave M/n an irked smile. "M/n." He said through clenched teeth. Yoongi's smile disappeared and he raised a brow. "Hey." Hoseok put a hand on Yoongi's shoulder and pulled him back slightly. "Enough, Yoongi." They both let go, Yoongi slowly trailing his hands down M/n's neck and chest as he did. Hoseok pulled Yoongi into an embrace with a snarl. Ah, alphas/betas and their possessiveness. Before Hoseok could say anything, he lightly jabbed his elbow onto his side. "Hoseok, you know what I think about M/n." He spoke calmly and turned around, pulling him down to whisper something into his ear.

M/n smiled at the pair and turned towards Jimin.

He blinked. Well that's a look that's forever engraved into his brain.

Jimin's small hands were clenched, one of his brows raised, one of his eyes wider than the other. He swore he saw one of his wolf canines poke out from his bottom lip. The alpha stepped in front of him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Jimin?" He slowly looked up, his look remaining unchanged. "You expect me to act like your omega when you're like his with other omegas?!"

Oh no. Jealous Jimin is never a good Jimin.

Taehyung was quick to jump in for M/n. "Chim! Remember, we're gonna bond at their house, right? You guys can talk about this in his and Jungkook's dorm!"

Hoseok pulled away from the kiss he was in and cheered. "It's been a while, I'll come with!"


What was supposed to be bonding turned out to be hanging out time for all the omegas. Sure, Hoseok, Jungkook, and M/n talked, but the two alphas can't help but frown. They were supposed to get to know each other!

Yoongi snorted and rolled his eyes. "I honestly thought I was going to be an alpha when I grew up, but then my heat hit me in the middle of classes. You should've seen all the stares I was getting. The teacher didn't let me leave!" M/n laughed quietly and shook his head. "That's because you used to always ditch. You thought it would help prove how you would be an alpha." Yoongi blushed a faint pink, but it was very visible on his pale skin. "Shut up."

Jimin sighed. "I was in a similar situation actually." Taehyung playfully nudged his side. "Yeah, very similar." Jimin pushed Taehyung's side and narrowed his eyes playfully. "Shut up and let me speak, Tae!"

"The symptoms for heat started as soon as I woke up, but I ignored it. I actually thought it was just the weather outside. I got ready, left the house, blah blah blah." He waved his hand in dismissal and started to fiddle with his sweater paws. "I was in my last class, which was P.E. At that point, I was boiling hot, sweating a river. I was lucky that I didn't have any alphas for any class... well, except P.E. I was getting stares, and it was during exercises when I felt it." He shivered. "I was... um, leaking. It went down my thigh, and I swear every guy's head turned in my direction." M/n narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. "Luckily, the P.E teacher was an alpha herself. She let me go home early, and as soon as classes ended, I called Taehyung." Taehyung flinched when he felt eyes on him. Specifically, e/c eyes that belonged to an alpha. Jungkook put a hand on M/n's shoulder and rubbed it soothingly. "I thought he could come over and... y'know... help me out. He did somewhat."

Taehyung was lucky Jungkook was gripping onto M/n. Jungkook wasn't all happy now either.

Yoongi nodded and nervously started to chew on his bottom lip. This talk about heats started to bring memories back. For the good four years of high school he had help. And not just from any random alpha, no.

"Yoongi? What's wrong?"

The blue haired male shook his head. "I-It's nothing... It's the thing that I talking to you about last week." Hoseok frowned and sat up straighter on black couch. "Yoongi, it's nothing. I was acting out and I take full responsibility for it." He sighed. "Can I tell Jimin?" Jimin frowned upon hearing his name, his arms crossing over his chest. Tell him what?

M/n frowned and ran a hand down his face. "I'll tell him another day. Today has been been a rollercoaster of emotions."

Jimin shook his head and moved towards M/n, his hands taking the other's into his own. "I'll accept it. I promise."

"Tomorrow, then. I'll tell you...

If you promise to accept me as your mate."


Oof secrets are about to be spilled.

I changed my name, as some of you may noticed. As well as how you can find me. I made this account three years ago, so I figured the name needed changing.  You guys can now find me under MidnightCorridor, or M O M O.

Love you!


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