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Two days have passed since then, and the symptoms for his heat were making themselves clearer each hour.  Aside from the stronger scent, Jimin would become more touchy and affectionate. However [M/n] didn't even bring up the heat symptoms to him. Like every other omega, Jimin had mood swings. And he did not want to experience an earful of 'I'm not going into heat!' complaints. So [M/n] was waiting patiently for Jimin to call him to admit he was in heat.

Jungkook and [M/n] sat side by side at the bakery talking about different topics, all ranging from some random post they saw the other day and future plans. Jin was sitting in front of them with his mate, Namjoon, at his side.

Namjoon had big dreams, that's for sure. He wants to be a rapper, if not something related to the music industry. And right now he was achieving it. He has been a trainee for little over a year now and was close to releasing his debut song. Today happened to be his lucky day since he got the time to be at the bakery. "So..." The rapper started and tapped his ring middle finger against the table. "I've heard that you found your mates?" The two alphas nodded and grinned, [M/n] sighing at the thought of his mate. "He's perfect..." Jungkook murmured and chuckled.

Namjoon scoffed and shook his head. "See?" He turned to Jin and motioned towards the younger with his chin. "I told you his mate wasn't going to be a girl since he is scared of girls!" Jungkook did a double take and narrowed his eyes. "Just because I don't like girls? Well..." He scratched the back of his head and looked at the table in front of him. "I honestly don't like girls because of... well... how complicated they are."

[M/n] grunted in agreement and leaned back in his chair. "I flat out just don't find them attractive."


(( if you don't want to see [M/n] complaining about the female body (or females in general) then skip this part. This was inspired by one of my friends ))

"Okay first off-" The alpha sat up straighter. "Let me start with the body... what is so attractive about breasts? They are literally sagging pieces of flesh." Jungkook snorted and covered his mouth with his hand, eyes squinting from how hard he was smiling. "What would people do if they were located at the stomach? Still find them attractive?" [M/n] scoffed and shook his head. "I hope people do know that all breasts are is fat."

(( you can read now ))

Namjoon and Jim stared at him with wide eyes, mouth slightly open agape.

One thing is clear.

Never mention why he doesn't like a woman no matter what the body type or personality is.

After small rant, the four of them started to have a decent conversation on the future. Namjoon kept quiet since he made his wished future clear long ago.

"I want to start a family... I want to be able to see my kids everyday when I wake up with my perfect omega."

Jin did want to give Namjoon what he wanted but with time. Unlike Jimin and Taehyung, Jin was actually on heat suppressants. Ever since he bought the building to start the bakery he has been fully committed to it. The family will come soon, though.

[M/n] smiled at the thought of a family. But he was still in college so that would have to wait. He stood up and stretched his arms above his head, wincing when his muscles pulled. "Mom? Can I get a [f/d]?" The eldest of the four growled and crossed his arms. "I'm not your mom!" But despite that protest he still stood up to make the drink along with two teas and one coffee.

Jungkook as Namjoon busied themselves with chatting while [M/n] went outside. His phone had began on vibrate as soon as he stood up and he knew who it was.

The alpha leaned back against the wall next to the glass door and slipped his phone out, swiping the green logo and pressing the device to his ear.


"A-Alpha!" A sharp whine came out of Jimin's throat. "N-Need you- oh fuck- fuck- [M/N]!"


Small update! I started school so it will be a lot harder for me to update.

Sooo... I got a question...

Hybrid Yoongi anybody?

Also. This will never leave my mind. If you guys need anybody to talk to in terms of sexuality, please don't be afraid to contact me. I will try and support you in every single way possible.

Love you guys!


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