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"A-Alpha? Are you here yet?" Jimin whimpered out, his mouth falling open in a loud moan as his fingers brushed against his prostate. Each passing second felt like pure torture to him; his alpha was on the other line, clearly knowing what was going on, and he wasn't even rushing to get there.

Well, that's what he thought.

Jimin laid on his nest that was ninety percent M/n's clothes and ten percent his own clothes. The mixture of their scents felt comforting and gave him an image of what could come.

Cuddling, hands all over his body, praises being said into his ear, cock moving quickly in and out of him-

Jimin squealed and arched his back, ropes of cum painting all of his stomach and chest, and like every other heat, his cock got hard five seconds later. His fingers never stopped their movements and the loud squelching of them moving


The omega jolted and snapped back your reality upon realizing he had spaced out. His breathing was still rapid, and his condition worsened if anything.

"Y-Yes, alpha?" He whimpered out.

"Open your door."

Jimin shook his head and whined, but nonetheless stood up on his shaky legs and hurried to the door.

Alpha. Alpha. Alpha. Alpha.

He opened the door and looked up, his legs instantly threatening to give out as the scent of his mate started to cloud his senses. "A-Alpha-"

He yelped and found himself in M/n's arms. The door was kicked closed, and Jimin threw his arms over his shoulders on instinct. He raised his gaze and parted his lips as needy whines left him. "M/n!"

"I'm here now baby."

It was then that the shorter male took note of his eye color.

They were red.

M/n smirked and licked his lips. His own pheromones were starting to mix with the other's, and the room already reeked of Jimin's scent.

It only caused the said omega to start to squirm in his arms.

An alpha that was in pre-rut and an omega that was in heat. Oh, the fun that would come.


Thank you all for your support ( i apologize for the short chapter). I went to my therapist today and am feeling much better!

I am low key sad because I lost eleven followers. Oh whale-

Part two shall be up soon!

I love you all!


| My Omega. | Park Jimin X Male Reader {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now