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Taehyung POV

Lately we have been so busy. It's just none stop dance practices, singing and we are getting ready for our world tour.

It's exciting, but their is so much work!

But we get no breaks, plus Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok are always gone and producing the songs.

Sometimes I just want to sleep, for a long time, and that would count as my break. But I don't even get to sleep that long now either!

It's so frustrating, but I can't let our Army down.

"Taehyung! Get ready! We have to film the dance practice for fake love!" I heard Jungkook shout from the other room.

You see what I mean by no breaks?

"Yup, I'm coming!" I shouted just as loud back at him.

I ran over, knowing that everyone would be waiting for me, ready to get this over and done with. I just wish that for like one week I could just be someone else, and I could just live that week without stress.

I sighed as we all got into our positions for the dance. Many people crowded around as the music started to play.

I tried to ignore all the cameras, which I have pretty much gotten used to, but it is literally the most awkward thing when you accidentally look straight into a camera.

I just got the shivers thinking about it.

It's even harder at fan meets... everyone is practically begging for you to look at their camera, but when you do it is just so embarrassing.

There are my shivers again.

After about three takes we finally got it perfect, and then we split up and continued with our work.
Even though everyone is usually busy, all of us didn't have anything to do today.

It was finally out break day!

"Do you want to go have coffee or go shopping or something?" Suggested Hoseok

I thought about it, I would love to do both at the moment. Lately I have been really wanting a new pair of Gucci slippers.

"Yeah, can we do both" I heard Jungkook reply

I smiled at how I was about to say the exact same thing. Me and Jungkook just naturally get along, and it's like we're long lost brothers or something.

It's the same for Jimin and Yoongi, and Namjoon and Jin. Although Hoseok pretty much gets along with all of us. 

Yoongi was on his phone texting someone when he said "Chanyeol is going to meet us at the coffee shop"

I was excited knowing we were finally going to go out and do something rather then just sitting inside of out entertainment building.

We all put on a black mask to cover our identities, and headed out the door.


Finally! Class ended and I'm so relieved. Math was actually pretty easy, but it always is at the start of the year anyway.

I rushed out of class with my six other friends knowing that we wanted to keep our distance from Xiumin.

Only because we didn't want him to find out that we knew who he was, and so we could be loyal to BTS and our bias'... it's a good reason!

We went to the cafeteria together and sat down in our regular seats. We, once again burst out laughing.

I could tell everyone was giving us weird glares, but I did NOT care at all.

Soon after out laughter died out and we started to eat and talk to each other. But, for once it wasn't really about BTS... at all.

"Is anyone else super tired?" I asked
"OMG YES!" They all replied
"Yeah, since this morning I was so tired! Like I had to take really careful steps when I walked to school, because I am literally exhausted!" Nancy said

We all started giggling when she said that and Jessica said "your always like that! Complaining about being tired is just your thing... no wonder your bias is Yoongi. But I agree, I felt the same way this morning, like I was going to faint"

We all started to bond over the fact that we were so tired when I heard a voice behind me.

"Umm.. can I sit here?"

I froze... omg.


"Y-yeah sureeee" I relied. He gave me a weird look like he was thinking about something and then he sat beside me. Mina looked terrified though, because she is scared of boys, but double scared because Xiumin was no regular boy.

I actually think it's pretty funny that out bias' are really similar to each of us. I'm pretty weird, like Taehyung, Mina is the youngest and is scared of boys like Jungkook, Wendy is pretty responsible, but she is always breaking things like Namjoon. But seriously, not a day goes by where Wendy doesn't break something.

Once she broke a handle off a door... 😑

Anyway, Lisa is so short and cute like Jimin, Nancy is straightforward, shy and always tired like Yoongi, Tiffany is the oldest and is a great cook like Jin and Jessica is the little sunshine of out friend group like Hoseok.

I laughed at my thoughts and how similar we all were to out bias', but I didn't realise that I did that during our completely awkward silence.

"What's so funny?" Asked Xiumin. Shoot. I can't tell him that I was thinking about how weird we were.

"Nothing. I was just thinking about BTCG" I laughed

They all awkwardly laughed, but Wendy decided to say the most stupid thing
"so, Xiumin, hows it like being part of EXO?"

Mmmm, wonder why everyone is so tired. Sorry that this is such a slow evolving story... just trying to make it interesting. Tell me how regularly I should update!
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