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Soon school ended, but our school ends pretty early. It's because we do more work in each lesson then other school, so we leave early.

The system is pretty smart, if i say so myself.

Not bragging but I am also not that unintelligent.

I'm a top student, so everything is easy anyways. No study and I'm still top of the class. Less school as well, everything works out great.

Me and my friends usually go out and do something together though, so we meet up at the gate at 1:30.

We usually eat something until around three then go home and do homework and all that.

It's like out thing.

But while I was waiting at the gate for my friends someone tapped me on my shoulder. I turned around thinking it would be my friends.

But oh was I wrong.

It was Xiumin. My eyes widened, and I was at a complete loss of words.

Is this actually happening to me?

Chanyeol POV

BTS seemed really tired. I mean, it's understandable, since their comeback was soon, but I have NEVER seen them, as tired as they were now.

While we were talking though, it was like they were falling asleep.

I kind of ignored it though, I can understand why they were so tired, I would be tired too if I were that busy.

When we talked about Xiumin they seemed a bit more awake, but they were constantly zoning out, like they were deep in thought.

After about an hour they decided they should head back to their place.

They all said their goodbyes and left the coffee shop.

They took small steps, and I new it was because of how tired they were. This wasn't normal. It's impossible for seven people to be THIS tired at the same time.

I followed behind them and they sat down at the park.

They were breathing heavily and it looked like they just completed a marathon, but they had only been walking for around ten minutes.

They sat and talked to each other while I did some research about it behind a bush so they wouldn't see me.

It had been about an hour and I hadn't come up with anything, and they finally left the park.

They took small steps, still showing that they were exhausted.

The slightly slated while they walked, and I almost fell asleep watching it myself. It's in the middle of the day, and there are seven men almost falling to sleep.

Am I right or wrong to say that isn't normal?

Suddenly Taehyung stopped, and as my instincts kicked in, I did too. They all stopped and turned around to look at him.

"Taehyung, I know you're tired, but we all are. So could you please continue walking so we can get back home?!" I heard Jimin shout

He looked furious, but still tired.

"Jimin is right. I know you are very tired. We are all very tired. I have no clue why that is, but I really want to get home" Namjoon said

"Hyung... can we go now?" I heard Jungkook ask

But even after all the members telling him to continue, he just stood their. He was swaying slowly and he didn't move a muscle.

It was like I was watching a tree when it's windy.

I was really confused... what is going on. I mean, I have been tired, but never THAT tired. They all looked really annoyed at Taehyung. But I was nothing but concerned.

After about two minutes of Taehyung standing their, it's like the others joined in. They didn't move, but they just slowly swayed.

What is going on?

I was walking up to them, too concerned at that point to just watch.

But as I did Taehyung collapsed, and I started running. As soon as I got their I was shocked at what happened. How is this possible?

They all collapsed.

What's happening?!
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