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After searching on the internet, and watching a whole bunch of body-switching things movies, we still couldn't find a way to go back to our bodies.

It was all really unrelated to what we were going through, so we decided to en roll in the school as BTS, not like anyone would even know who we were.

Chanyeol was staying back though, seeing if it happened in Korea, and could fix it there too.

When we finally arrived in America, we got our bags -I literally only had Gucci- and waited to finally meet BTS, or ourselves?

We saw a group of girls, that looked like ourselves, so we ran there as quickly as we could.

I ran straight to my body, and my body ran straight to me.

We gazed at each other in wonder, and I trailed my fingers down my bodies face.

This is too cool. "Wow... this is so weird." I muttered, while my body did the same to me.

A cough woke us up from our wonder, and we saw everyone staring at us.

"Do you know how weird you two look?" Nancy said (Yoongi)

I pouted.

"Anyway. Are you guys really BTS?" Jungkook asked (Mina)

"Who else?" Nancy said, again.

Now Jungkook and I were both pouting.

"That's so cool!" Jin said (Tiffany)

We all nodded. It's pretty cool looking at yourself, while your in someone else's body.

After a little chat, we headed back, in two vans they were driving. As Xiumin was driving one and Tiffany was driving the other.

Something popped into my head "Wait, where were you guys staying?"

Y/N responded (Taehyung) "You all had Touch ID on your phones, so we just called your mums and they picked us up, so it wouldn't be suspicious"

I nodded my head.

That's pretty smart.

"Where will we be staying then?" Namjoon asked.

"Can't we just stay in out bodies place with our actual body? Like I stay in my home, because I'm not going to like kiss myself or anything" I said.

Y/N (Taehyung) gave me a weird look, but everyone was nodding their heads in agreement.

"Kay... then that's do that!" I said.

We all sat in individual vans, as BTS (us) sat with Xiumin and the rest were with Tiffany.

"Where are we going?" I asked

"To my place, to talk a bit about how things are going to work, then you guys will go home" Xiumin replied.

I nodded my head.

We drove for about half an hour, before we finally reached Xiumins place.

It was pretty big, but it was nicely decorated, and was very modern.

We all walked in together, but stuck with our own group of friends, even though they were in a different body, which took a bit of time to adjust to.

Our bodies sat on one sofa, while we sat on another.

"So... what's going to happen?" Jimin asked (Lisa)

"Okay. So, as we talked about before, you will sleep in your own bodies place, and just convince your parents that you guys are close friends and nothing will happen" Xiumin started.

Makes sense.

Can you imagine... kissing yourself? Just, ew.

"Then, you'll just go to school and all that, and do your best to make it seem like you don't know each other, so that doesn't cause confusion" He then continued.

"Get to know each other, and so you won't do things your bodies wouldn't do" he then said.

"What about BTS' comeback?" Wendy asked (Namjoon)

Oh yeah.

"They've already postponed it, until you guys are back to your own bodies, which will hopefully be soon" Xiumin said.

We talked about a few more things, but it was getting pretty late, so we decided to head home.

I walked over to my body, and we walked over to my house, which was surprisingly close to Xiumins place.

"I can sleep in guest room if you want" I suggested.

Y/N nodded. (I'm going to just say the bodies name... and not the actual person)

"Yeah... my parents wouldn't let me sleep with you even if we tried. So I'll sleep in the guest room" I added.

Y/N didn't really respond to me, so we just walked in silence until we reached my place.

She opened the door, and we walked inside.

"I'm home! I have a friend over, who is just going to stay here for a bit if that's okay?" She said, before glancing over at me.

They came rushing down, and my mum said. "Oh! I don't think we've met! What's your name?"

"My names... Kim Taehyung" I replied.

My mum smiled "well, aren't you handsome?" She then said.

"I kno- I mean. Thankyou..." I replied

"You can sleep in the guest room for the time being" my dad said.

"Thankyou Mr and Mrs L/N" I said, then bowed.

It's so weird being so formal to my own parents.

They nodded, and I headed to the guest room to unpack. This is so weird. Unpacking someone else's clothes, but while I'm in their body.

"Do you want me to unpack... I mean. It's my clothes" Y/N suggested

I nodded.

I unpacked with her, and it took a lot less time then it probably would have, if I had done it with myself.

"Im going to take a shower" I said.

I looked up, and her face was completely red. "W-what?" She said.

"I close my eyes when I shower and change... don't worry. Wait. What about you?" I said.

"Me too." She replied.

I let out a breath, I was unknowingly holding. Thank god.

I nodded, and grabbed some pyjamas, and headed over to the shower.

So, instead of saying like 'I did this' it's going to be like 'Y/N did this'.
I'm going to be saying like the persons body instead, so it's easier to visualise.
Sorry if it gets a bit confusing... but I just had to clear that up.

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