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Taehyung POV

My eyes were heavy, and as I slowly opened them, my head was throbbing.

I groaned from the pain, and slowly pushed my self up from the bed I was laying on. 

I looked around, and noticed that I was in a hospital room. Why was I here?

I tried to remember, but I only remembered walking back home with the guys... then, that's it. That's all I could remember.

But then I realised a weird feeling in my body.

I looked down at my hands, which were oddly feminine and small, but as I did hair fell in my face.

Am I wearing a wig or something?

I lifted my hands towards my head and felt my hair... it was real. I pulled on it, and it hurt, so it had to be real.

Was I out that long I grew long hair... no, impossible.

I looked behind me, eager to use the bathroom, and clicked on a button that was for calling someone over.

A young lady came in and said in a soft voice "Oh! You're up Y/N! What will you need?"

Y/N? Who's that?

Wait. I understood her. But she was speaking English. I can't speak English.

( I forgot to add this in for Y/N, but the lady was speaking korean too in the last chapter... so pretend I wrote that in the last chapter for Y/N. Cause now u can speak and understand korean and Taehyung can speak and understand English. I hope this makes sense )

I shrugged it off... and for some reason in English I responded "Yeah.. well where's the restroom"

She pointed to a room, then left.

I got up, and instantly realised I was shorter.


When I walked in the bathroom, there were six girls crowding around the mirror.. staring at themselves.

They noticed me, and turned around.

I shrugged it off and saw a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

I paused, then rushed over to the mirror.

I was a girl, and a really pretty one at that.

The girls stared at me, but I did not care.

I felt my face, and I knew that I wasn't in my body anymore.

Maybe people did crazy operations on me while I was out.

This couldn't be happening.

I looked down, and closed my eyes. This can't be happening...

A tear left my eye, and I started getting emotional.

That's when the one of the girls spoke up "Taehyung... is that you?"


I was staring at myself in the mirror for what seemed like an eternity.

My body wasn't letting me process this.

After about ten minutes, Yoongi and Jimin walked in the bathroom together.

I turned around, and stared at them.. my Yoonmin heart.

"If only Lisa and Nancy were here" I said, unintentionally really loud.

There eyes widened and they looked at each other.

Then they looked back at me. UGH I CANNOT DO THIS.


Yoongi then cleared his throat and said "This is Nancy and Jimin is Lisa"


Then Jimin said "Y/N... is that you?"

I slowly nodded my head, then our attention was directed to the door when Jungkook, Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok came through the bathroom door.

They were all talking to one another, and when they walked in their attention went on us three.

I decided to speak up.

"Mina.. Wendy... Tiffany.. Jessica. Is that you?" I said

They looked surprised at first, but then slowly nodded their heads

We were all of our biases.

Xiumin POV

I got a call from the hospital, and they told me that everyone was up.

I ran there as quick as I could, so I could ask them what was going on with them. And to also see if there was any connection between what happened with BTS.

When I got there, they were all sitting on two beds next to each other, and they both faced each other.

When I got closer, their attention went to me.

"Min-Seok... why are you here?" Nancy asked

Why was she asking? Did she forget I was there when they fainted?

"I just wanted to check up on you guys" I replied

They still seemed way too confused. Did they forget me?

"Y/N.. you fell first. Are you okay?" I asked her.

She didn't even look at me.

Then Wendy said "We trust you Min-Seok so I'm going to tell you this. We aren't whoever we are. We are BTS, but I think we are in these peoples body. Can you please help us?"

My eyes widened.

But my question was answered. These incidents were related.

I pointed at each of them and told them there bodies names, and then they told me who they actually were.

This was very strange... but we need to figure out what is happening and how this happened.

Then we have to get them in their original bodies.

Thanks for reading this chapter!
And the characters may get a bit confusing, because you kind of have to remember who's bias is who.
Just saying.

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