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"Okay... so all we have to do is complete the tasks on the sheet, then this... witch, can get us back?"

I nodded. "Yeah, pretty much"

"What are the tasks?" Yoongi asked (Nancy)

"Here" I passed the sheet of paper to each pair and handed one to Taehyung since I had already read it. "The thing is, you can't just do the tasks, and if you've already done it you have to do it again, but you have to do it with your body"

Jimin (Lisa) started to read them out "okay so, watch a movie together, camp for one night, go shopping and buy something for each other to wear, and tell each other a secret" he nodded after he read them out "not too bad"

"Wait, there some writing on the bottom" he stated, and started to read again "in each of the activities you must bring a specific item back with you. Bring both of your movie tickets, bring a leaf from your camping trip, bring the items of clothing that you bought for each other, that must have been worn for at least a day, and bring a lock which you kept your secrets"

Jessica (Hoseok) started giggling, and we all looked over to her. "I feel like I'm in a drama. Keeping your secret in a lock? Haha"

I cracked a smile at her childishness.

There was a silence enveloping the room afterwards, and the pairs looked over each pieces of paper, but Wendy (Namjoon) spoke up, "how do you know this is real?"

"Well, she wouldn't have called a random guy Y/N"

"It could have been a lucky guess"

"No one guesses something like th-"

I interrupted Lisa (Jimin) "what do we have to lose? I mean, let's get to know eachother on these little missions!"

Wendy (Namjoon) looked down at her fingers, before sighing and looking up st me "fine, but if this is just a joke 'I told you so'"

Y/N (Taehyung) looked at her phone, and spoke up "its getting late... so you guys should go" I nodded.

"Alright... we'll see you later!" Hoseok (Jessica) exclaimed.

We said our goodbyes to everyone, until they all left, leaving me alone with Y/N (Taehyung).

It was awkwardly silent for a bit, and I started fidget with my fingers.

She (Taehyung) decided to speak up "which activity do you want to start with?" I lifted my head to look at her. "I was thinking we should start with the shopping" I paused "but no Gucci, I'm to poor"

Y/N pouted "But Gucci is the besttt"

I chuckled. "We should probably go to sleep now. It's what?" I checked the time and my eyes widened in surprise "it's almost midnight! We have school tomorrow."

He nodded, and we both ran to our rooms.

After getting ready I tucked myself into bed, then I drifted off into sleep.

I felt someone poking my cheek and I groaned, tossing in bed. "Go awayyy" I moaned. "Wake up Y/N- Taehyung, we have school in.... 15 minutes"

I was silent for a second, before running out of bed half asleep.

Shoot. I'm going to be so late!

I brushed my teeth and hair, and washed my face, not bothered to do anything since Taehyung is already beautiful.

I ran out to get something to wear, but clothes whacked me in the face, before dropping into my hands. "I picked your clothes for you to wear" Y/N shrieked, before pushing me into the bathroom to change.

I stumbled in, and quickly got changed. As soon as I got out, I started dragging Y/N (Taehyung) with me out the door, grabbing a banana on the way out for breakfast.

We started running, and I repeatedly mumbled in worry "we're going to be late!"

"Ugh! Stop saying that! You're stressing me out! You should have woken up earlier!" Y/N (Taehyung) shouted while running, so it was a bit hard to catch, though I still caught on.

I snapped me head towards her "WELL YOU SHOULD HAVE WOKEN ME UP!"

"I THOUGHT YOU WERE ALREADY UP!" She squealed back, then I just fell silent, and concentrated on making it on time to school.

As soon as we got in, I grabbed my phone and checked the time.

Two minutes early.

"We made it!" Y/N (Taehyung) squealed, and we did a high five in joy.

Lisa POV
When I say Jimin, I actually mean Jimin, not Jimins body

Me and Jimin, were pretty excited to get back to our own bodies, so we decided to skip school for a while. Jimin at first was worried about my parents agreeing, but they're pretty laid back and know my studies won't drop if I do.

So here we are. At the shops.

I was trying to find Jimin something to wear, but it was taking a lot longer then what I thought. "I don't like these!" I complained, knowing that I did not want him to be walking around in a really embarrassing outfit. I mean, he is in MY body.

"You found anything?" I jumped from the voice that erupted from behind me. I turned around and shook me head at her. "No. Can we go to a different store? I don't like anything".

She smiled and said "I already found something for you to wear though!". She brought out a denim jacket from behind her back, and shoved it into my arms.

"Seriously? I've seen you're closet you know. I've only been in this body for like three weeks, and I feel like that's the only think I've ever worn. You have too many. No." I pushed it back into her arms.

"Why don't we pick something for each other that we've never worn before?" She asked.

I looked at her with a unsure expression, but a smile crept onto my face. I do want to see what Jimin would look like in some interesting clothes. "Alright. Let's do that". She nodded.

A buzz came from my pocket and I pulled out my phone.

What should we name this group chat?

Y/N: Where is everyone?! I can't find any of u at school and I'm lonely!

The group chat name was created because we kept changing it, and it became an argument. Wendy changed it to 'what should we name this group chat?', and no one was bothered to change it after that.

Pretty great.. right?

Lisa: Me and Jimin are taking a week off of school, so we can complete the tasks.

Wendy: Ha! Sameee. It took Namjoon a lot of convincing though >_<

Y/N: What about everyone else!?

Mina: Im taking a few days to complete the tasks too... Jungkook forced me though. Sorry Y/N! I didn't think everyone would other wise I may not have!

Y/N: 😡

Tiffany: Sorry. We just finished watching a movie... but we'll be back at school next week?

Nancy: yeah same. Soz Y/N.

Jessica: this is so funny. Y/N is lonelyyy

I chuckled at the texts, before putting my phone back into be pocket. "Who was it?" Jimin asked. "The girls. Y/N is the only person that school right now" I said with a smile on my face.

Poor Y/N.

She'll probably be in Taehyung's body the longest out of all of us.

Sorry this took so long!
But I'm so shook that I got 700 reads! Like.. what!?
I'm so thankfulllll!
Anyway.. thanks for reading!

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