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Group chat name: Body Switching Magicians

Y/N: someone just called me Y/N... and I need u people to come to my place.

Hoseok: So?

Yoongi: Hoseok.. she's in Taehyungs body.

Nancy: omg... that's so weird.

Y/N: Exactly why I need everyone to come.

Mina: Lol

Hoseok: Ohhh.

Y/N: yeah, I really couldn't be bothered to tell u over text, my fingers are already getting tired. Just come

Tiffany: relatable

Jungkook: when?

Taehyung: why didn't u tell me this first, I'm literally in the room beside u.

Y/N: come in like 10 minutes?

Jessica: alright... we're coming!

Wendy: us too!

Tiffany: on our way now.

Nancy: me and Yoongi r jumping in mums car rn!

Lisa: Me and Jimin may be a bit late.. we need to renew his bus pass, maybe 15 mins?

Y/N: that's fine!

Mina: see you then!

I switched off my phone, and put it down.

I brung me knees to my chest, and wrapped my hands around them, then lay my head on my knees. A small smile made its way to my face, and I finally thought something good could potentially occur.

I could finally go back to my own body.

The lady had been very kind. She explained every thing she had seen and felt, how it was caused, and even asked the questions that were always stuck in the back of my mind.

We had been such big fans, and she said the magic came from a powerful 'witch' -which was what she called them- that sensed our love and loyalty to the group. BTS had been quite stressed with their comeback, and needed a distraction, which is where the body switching thing came in.

What better excuse to be in America and hold your comeback, then waking up in a fans body one day, that live in America?

The magic was supposed to wear off after a week, so the witch I had met had not been too worried. If we were to be kept in others bodies forever, that would have taken 'unimaginable power'. Or that's what the witch had said.

But as luck would had it, the power the witch had sensed had slowly disappeared, and she had withered away.

But all the magic had stayed with us.

So we were stuck in each others bodies.

She had given me seven pieces of paper, with tasks to complete. Each pair of bodies were each other were in, had to complete each task with eachother.

Once it was completed, the paper would take away the magic from the witch, and we would return to our own bodies.

The catch was, is when it happened, you would wake up were you were last. It would be like a dream.

That part of it was a bit unsettling. How was that even possible. And even so, and I don't really want to forget these things. Meeting my idol, looking at his clothes. Looking at his face so closely. Looking st everyone's facing closely. It was like a dream come true.

I sighed in annoyance.

A small knock made its way to its door, and I heard my soft voice on the other side. "May I come in?" A small smile crept its way to my (or Taehyungs) face realising that I was really Taehyung speaking, but it was quickly replaced with a frown when I realised that no one would remember any of this.

Not even me.

"Yeah" I replied. I squealed on the inside, i could never get used to hearing Taehyungs voice rolling off my tongue.

She opened the door with care, and her head poked in the door. "Actually, i don't need to come in. Everyones here though"

I slightly smiled, and lightly nodded my head. I rolled off the bed, and opened the door fully.

She stepped back a bit, then suddenly pouted, while furrowing her brows.

I copied her actions, and popped a 'what'.

"I was serious. You literally texted everyone and I was in the room beside you! Why wouldn't u tell me first!" She exclaimed clearly annoyed.

"Well. It would be easier saying everything once then twice. So I thought I would wait for everyone to come together" I replied, an innocent expression on my face.

She suddenly bit her lip, then nodded "fair" she mumbled, apothem gestured for me to follow her.

I went downstairs, to find an extra 12 people standing in front of me, with their arms crossed over eachother.

Namjoon (Wendy) stood forward first, and asked sternly "what happened?"

Okay... I haven't updated in 4ever and I'm sorry.
I've had like a million tests and assignments but I'm trying >_<
Hehe... thanks 4 reading!

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