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Chanyeol POV

I was stunned.

What am I supposed to do?

There are seven lifeless bodies on the floor right now... and it's like 4:30 in the afternoon!

I called the ambulance. I think that's what your supposed to do.

They came and put all of them in the bed things, then put them in the ambulance trucks.

I came with them since I'm their friends, until we reached the hospital.

A doctor came out and asked how everything had happed.

This is going to seem like I'm making this up.... who cares. I began explaining, and he seemed like he was listening intently.

"Um, so what happed was that they came from a dance practice, and they met me up at a coffee store. We talked and had coffee and all that, but they seemed really tired. They left to a park and I followed them behind. Then after about an hour they left, but they took very slow and careful steps. Then Taehyung stopped, then the rest did. And they fainted"

He was nodding his head while taking a few notes.

After he finished he closed his not book and looked at me in the eye.

"I'm not sure what has happened with your friends at the moment, but we'll have a few tests taken on them, and we'll tell you if we know anything" he said.

I left the hospital, soon after and sat down outside on a bench.

I have no idea what I'm doing right now... did I leave anything out while I was talking to him? Nah.

Later, I decided to tell someone what happened, to get it off my chest.

I texted Min-Seok, telling him they had all fainted.. but his reply shocked me.

Xiumin POV

They were on the floor, laying there, almost lifeless.

I could feel my heart fastening and my breath was getting heavy. What to do...

I got my phone out as quick as I could, but my hands were shaking. I called the ambulance and told them with hesitation "my friends fainted... please come"

They asked where we were and I told them, then I waited for them to come.

When they came they got out those bed things, and carried them to the ambulance. I came in with them, but I was so nervous.

When we got there a doctor cam out and asked what happened.

I was having trouble finding the right words to use, but in the end, I pretty much said what I needed to.

"School ended, so we all decided to head to have coffee together. We stayed there for around two hours, then we went to a park and talked for about an hour. When we left to go back to our homes, Y/N stopped first, then the rest, then they fainted. Um.. oh! I almost forgot. At school, and after that, they were very, very tired. Like they were going to fall over at any moment, kind of tired"

She was nodding her head.

"Okay... thank you Min-Seok. We'll see what we can find, and when they're better we'll call yup in" she said.

I nodded my head and left the hospital.

I sat outside for a bit collecting my thoughts. But then I got a text from Chanyeol.

BTS just fainted... I'm not sure what to do. I really need someone to talk to rn.

The girls just fainted as well. What's going on?

I was really confused, BTS and the girls fainting. Seven of them, at similar times. I put down my phone, and decided to go home.

I am going to visit them tomorrow and figure out what's going on.


I opened my eyes slowly, the light slowly sleeping into my vision.

My vision was blurry and my head was thumping, in pain.

I looked around the room, but at first I was confused, but then it clicked. I'm in a hospital room.

Then I realised I felt really weird. Different. Like physically.

I looked down at my hands, and they were huge. I had long slender fingers, kind of like Taehyungs. If only I had fingers like his...

But then I realised... MY HAIR. I felt my hair and is was so short. It was so soft though.

I couldn't believe this... SOMEONE CUR MY HAIR!

"WHO CUT MY HAIR... I SWEAR IM GOING TO KILL YOU" I shouted, but I covered my mouth straight after.

Why is my voice so deep?

A lady, probably a nurse walked in, and smiled. "Oh, your awake Taehyung?" She said in a soft voice.

My names not Taehyung...

This better be a prank.

"Where is the bathroom?" I asked.

She pointed towards the bathroom, and I got up straight away and walked towards it, but I felt so tall. It was actually pretty cool.

When I got inside I looked in the mirror, and I was shocked.

"I'm Taehyung... I'm Taehyung. IM TAEHYUNG!" I screamed while staring at my gorgeous reflection in the mirror.


I breathed heavily and started to feel my face... it was so soft. I'm being really creepy.. Y/N just.. stop.

But then I realised... who's in my body?

I'm starting to write a new fanfic.. so you should check out that.
Thanks for reading this chapter!

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