16| i hope you're fucking happy, taehyung!

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We walked out of the nurse's office, with our shoulders brushing. Subconsciously, my hand wrapped around Jungkook's, making us both lift our arms to look at our intertwined fingers. "Uh...Taehyung?" He peered into my eyes, a question on his face. I blinked at our hands before facing him again.

"Uh...uh...this is a...we're friends right? Holding hands should be natural." He only nodded, before tugging on my arm. "Let's go, I'm hungry." Sighing in relief, I sped up my steps so that I was walking beside him. I noticed that we were getting a few stares tossed at us, and glared at everyone who dared to even look me in the eyes.

We walked into the cafeteria and headed towards the lunch line. Jungkook had released my hand, to run to the line exclaiming about how he was a growing boy and needed food this instant. Chuckling, I went to our usual table and sat beside Hoseok.

Jimin grinned around his soda. "Saw you two coming in holding hands. What was all that about?" I feigned innocence. "We weren't holding hands, hyung." Hoseok nudged my arm, "come on, we all saw it. Even Yoongi, and his eyes are closed."

True to his word, the elder had his head buried within the puffy folds of his hoodie.

Jimin leaned forward a little, and rested his elbows on top of the table. "Are you developing feelings for him again?" He murmured. I averted my gaze, and shrugged. "I don't even know if I ever lost them in the first place." Hoseok suddenly slammed his hand against the table, earning a smack to the back of his head by Yoongi. "Sorry, hyung. But, Jimin, I want my ten dollars and my sprite, because I called it!"

I glared at my friends, "you betted if I still had feelings for Jungkook? Seriously?" Jimin nodded, and pulled out his money, handing it to the grinning elder. "Yeah. We did. And I lost. I hope you're fucking happy, Taehyung! I lost ten dollars because of you!"

Rolling my eyes, I picked a French fry off of Hoseok's tray, and tossed it into my mouth. The latter gasped, dramatically, and gripped the sides of my face. "Hey! Give that back, you french fry stealing punk! I will punch you so hard your breakfast will come flying out!" Grinning, I held his shoulder so he would stop shaking me. "Sorry, hyung, but if you wanted my cereal, you're welcome to take it." He wrinkled his nose, "nah. I hate your cereal choices." I rolled my eyes, "just because it doesn't reach your sugar quota, which is a lot by the way, doesn't mean it's bad cereal."

We were interrupted from our bickering when Jungkook sat down beside me. I lowered my eyebrows when I saw the slight frown on his face. "Hey, everything okay?" I asked, taking a hold of his arm.

"Yeah, everything's great. Just peachy," he smiled, brushing off my hand to grab his milk.

What are you not telling me?

Just let me protect you.


I leaned against the wall, crossing my arms. The line was moving incredibly slow, and my growling stomach wasn't helping. Sighing, I grinned slightly, and held up my hand. The hand that Taehyung held. I still felt the warmth and heaviness of his palm etched into my fingers.

What was that anyway? I know friends hold each other's hands sometimes, but the feeling was...different. It wasn't friendly per say. But, then...why would Taehyung have feelings for piece of trash like me? I don't deserve anything from him at all. His friendship was already more than enough.

With that thought, my arm slid back down to my side, and my smile melted off. Taehyung doesn't deserve someone like me. Someone who's caused him so much pain and who has so many problems. He doesn't deserve that. He should care about someone who makes him happy.

"Hey, Jungkook," someone called, and I turned my head to the side to find a very tall boy. For some reason he looked familiar to me, and I narrowed my eyes at him. I knew him from somewhere...


He smirked, and tilted his head to the side. "Glad you still remember me, especially since you haven't even said hello to your old friend." (a/n: I apologize in advance to Yugyeom stans *gets on knees and bows* Forgive me)

I could only blink my eyes in horror. "You came back from Seoul?" He shrugged his shoulder, languidly, a lazy grin on his face. "Of course. I heard that my Jungkookie came back from the States, and was wondering how he was doing." My throat was dry, as I swallowed. Remembering that I was still in the lunch line, I stepped forward to fill in the wide gap that had formed.

"Well, welcome back," I mumbled, trying not to stutter. I didn't want him to think that I was weak. I can't act weak. Not in front of him.

I can't.

"So, I saw you walking in holding hands with Kim Taehyung," he spoke into my ear. I tensed and glanced down at my shoes. "Are you two dating? After everything I've done for you, you've forgotten all about me, and started going out with that clingy loser?" His hands snaked onto my waist, and I widened my eyes, suppressing a gasp. I wriggled out of his touch, and sent a glare over my shoulder.

"Don't touch him," I growled. Yugyeom smirked, and narrowed his eyes, "fine. I won't touch him as long as you submit to me." I frowned, knowing that no matter what, every option is terrible.

"Submit to you how?"

A wide grin took place on his lips, baring all his teeth. "Just don't fight back when I hurt you. I've been stressing a lot lately, and you're the perfect punching bag at the moment."

This was bad, yet it was better than him laying a finger on Taehyung. Taehyung is capable of fighting back, I'm aware of that, but he has no business with Yugyeom and I shouldn't mix my problems with the elder. He already has to deal with my anxiety, which is more than enough of worrying. I don't need him getting roped into this, too.

"Fine...just as long as you don't talk, look, or touch Taehyung. Got it?"

"Crystal clear."

I'm sorry, Taehyung. But, because I love you...

Just let me protect you.

So...after this angst, y'all like what I have up next, don't worry ;)


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