25| you're precious to me

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"How is he?" I demanded, running down the hall. I was greeted with a smack to the back of my head. "Shut your trap, will you? You're being too loud. This is a hospital not a playground," Yoongi scolded. Despite his harsh words, there was a smile on the elder's face. Hoseok grinned, and slung an arm around Yoongi's neck. "Let's go wait outside. Jimin, come join us when you say hi." I watched the two boys as they walked out and widened my eyes when Jimin was staring at them with a solemn expression. "Don't tell me that they're—"

"A couple? Yeah. Happened yesterday."

I furrowed my eyebrows, in sympathy, and patted the blonde's back. "I'm sorry, I know how much you liked Yoongi." Jimin sighed and shook his head, "it's fine. They're more suited for each other anyway." He placed an easy smile on his face, "you stay here while I give Tae a quick visit. I won't take long, don't worry." With that said, he slid the door open, and walked into Taehyung's room. I sighed and leaned against the wall, with my arms crossed.

Poor Jimin. He'd been pining for Yoongi since we were in middle school. It must hurt to have someone that you like date somebody else. Especially if that somebody else was another close friend. I smiled to myself, glad that Taehyung decided to stay with me, despite our shaky past. I'm lucky that someone like Taehyung actually liked me in the first place. He could be doing so much better with someone else, yet he chose me. I don't deserve him at all.

Jimin pulled open the door and smiled at me. "He's excited to see you, Kook," was all he said, before he walked down the hall, hands shoved into his pockets.

I sent one last pitying look towards the blonde, before shoving the door aside, and rushing to Taehyung's bedside. "Baby!" I exclaimed, wrapping my arms around his frame. He chuckled, bringing one hand up to pat my back. "I'm so sorry, Taehung! If only I was the one who stood on the outside maybe you wouldn't have gotten hit! I'm so—"

"Oh shut it, will you? Stop saying sorry for things that aren't even your fault," the elder interrupted. "Technically, it was kind of on me, anyway. I broke that guy's window when he was cat-calling me, once." I shook my head, "was it that time when you came to school with a cast?" He grinned lazily, "yeah. That was it." My lips trembled, eyes threatening to spill tears. I opted to just slide down, and hug Taehyung's waist, laying my head in his lap.

"I'm so glad that you're okay," I sighed, happily. I felt his fingers thread into my hair, making me relax at his touch. "Of course I'd be okay," he replied softly. "Did you actually think that I would die? The universe would be making a grave mistake for killing off someone so beautiful at such a young age." That made me scoff, but I peered up to give him a smile. "I love you, Taehyung." The elder smirked, "I love you more, you idiot." I straightened up in my chair, and pinched his chin between my fingers. "I missed you, baby," I murmured, before closing the gap between us and pressing my lips against his.

I love you more than you could ever imagine.

You're precious to me.


It was great that my legs didn't get injured, since it'd be more of a hassle to work with crutches and a broken arm. My fractured ribs weren't all too bad, and I was free to leave with a warning to not overwork myself and do dumb stunts. Honestly, I was lucky. If I wasn't rushed to the hospital sooner, I'd have lost too much blood, and probably would have died. I pursed my lips at the thought. I really was a dumb kid, back then. To let Jungkook's rejection control me like that. I could have handled that way better and completely differently, without hooking up with teachers and sluts, and breaking car windows with my fist. But...if I took a different path would I still be in Jungkook's arms like how I am now?

"What are you thinking about?" His breath fanned over my cheek. I snuggled my face into his chest, and sighed, contentedly. We were back at home, and were lying in my bed, enjoying each other's company. "Nothing really special," I responded. "Just thinking if I didn't turn out like how I am now, would we still end up together." The younger's arms tightened their hold around my waist, bringing me closer than I already was. "Who knows. I just care about now, and now I have you all to myself."

I smiled, and brought my uninjured hand up to cup Jungkook's cheek. "Aw, aren't you just possessive?" He brushed his nose against mine, "only for you, baby boy." I felt my cheeks getting hotter, and averted my gaze. "I'm injured and you go and attack me like that? That's a low blow, Jeon Jungkook." He snorted, before pressing his lips against mine. "Don't tell you that you don't like being called that," he teased. "You're a mean person!" I whined. "If I was a nice person, I wouldn't have you blushing like this," he countered, placing a kiss on my neck. "You'd be doing the world a favor, since I think I'm the reason there's global warming, at the moment!"

The younger grinned, and rested his head in the crook my neck. "You're too cute, Tae." He closed his eyes, lifting a hand to grasp mine. "I'm tired, baby. Sing me a song." I snorted, "no way in hell." A pout made its way on his lips. "Pretty please?" Sighing in defeat, I softly began singing a peaceful song, smiling when I saw his eyes flutter. "Your voice is so beautiful, hyung. Only sing for me, and me only," he murmured, against my neck. I stopped singing once I saw that Jungkook was finally asleep. He must've been exhausted with worrying over me. I brushed a hand through his fringe, and smiled.

"I should be the one saying sorry this time, Kookie. I just wished you realized that not everything was your fault. I wished you cut yourself some slack. You don't deserve this self-punishment. You should be happy." I sighed through my nose, and rested my head on his chest. "I wish you could understand how much you mean to me. I wish you could see how special you are. I wish you could love yourself more. I wish you could see that..."

You're precious to me.

Some fluff, because I'm good person :)


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