26| this is why i didn't want to ride in your stupid attention-seeking car

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It's been a month since the accident, and I've, mostly, completely healed from all of injuries. Jungkook decided that instead of walking to and back from school, we'd just take his car. I'd protested since his car made it very obvious that he came from a wealthy family. It wasn't like I had much room to talk since I was cut from the same cloth. Well, more like torn from the cloth now, since I'm basically disowned. The reason why I disliked riding in his sleek sports car was because it drew a lot of attention. The kind of attention that I loathed with all of my being.

Despite my protests, however, Jungkook still managed to have his way.

And that's how I wound up stepping out of the shiny vehicle and gaining mounds of eyes staring straight into my soul.

"Oh, terrific," I grumbled, glaring at our audience. "Jungkook, this is why I didn't want to ride in your stupid attention-seeking car." The younger chuckled, slipping his arm around my waist. "It's not like you don't grab a lot of attention on your own, you know." Scowling, I smacked his chest with the back of my hand. "Yeah, but people still get scared of me. This kind of attention doesn't get others shaking in their shoes when I pass by." He sighed through his nose, and placed a kiss on the side of my temple. "Don't be so dramatic, princess. It's just a car, babe."

I narrowed my eyes, before reaching up to pinch his ear. "If you call me something other than 'babe' or 'baby' at school, I will make you sleep on the couch," I threatened, yanking on his ear a little. "Ow! Okay! Damn! Let go of my ear, Tae!" I released his ear, as we got to the front steps of the building. The stares continued to analyze my every move, but I ignored the discomfort. What was the point in caring?

Though I still remained at ease and indifferent, there was something bothering me. Everyone was beginning to think that I became soft ever since Jungkook and I started dating. I wouldn't correct them, since they're partly correct. But, the reason why I don't cause trouble anymore was because I no longer felt the need to justify the raging anger and bitterness in my stomach. The flames had finally diminished. I knew I'd grown soft...but when did all of this disrespect start becoming a thing? First it was those sophomores, then when I came back to school I heard from Jimin that people have been gossiping about me. The rumoring was new to me, since usually the other students just knew that I was someone you shouldn't mess with and leave it at that. It hurt my pride to know that the stand I'd worked to gain was suddenly crumbling beneath me, like sand.

"What are you thinking about?" Jungkook breathed into my ear, making my hair stand on edge. "Nothing important," I mumbled. "It's stupid really. I was just thinking about all the disrespect I've been getting recently. It sucks, because I used to be left alone back then. Now, I'm at the heart of gossips and I'm apparently being 'targeted' by everyone I used to reprimand? I don't know. I can't believe people believe that just because I don't do anything anymore means that they have a chance to get back at me." The younger chuckled, pressing his fingers into my waist. "They just have nothing better to do, babe."

We walked down the hall to grab my books, ignoring the eyes clinging to us, like leeches. I frowned when I saw a crowd around my locker. What was going on—"What the actual fuck," I breathed, once I saw my graffitied locker door. In bright red Sharpie marker was the word FAG written in absolutely terrible handwriting. Seriously, this person looked like they've never even touched a pen until today. Jungkook placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. "Baby," he murmured, softly. "I'm—"

I surprised everyone by busting out laughing. "W-what even?" I gasped, holding onto my stomach. "So funny! Okay whoever did this has absolutely the worst penmanship I've ever seen. I mean, come on! It's literally a three-letter word, it's not that hard to make it even remotely legible to read." I wiped away a stray tear, chuckling slightly. I pointed at my locker and grinned at the crowd of people. "So," I said, making the tone of my voice dangerously low. "Which one of you did this?" Suddenly, the curious faces morphed into frightened expressions. I tilted my head, grinning sadistically, feeling a burning sensation burn in the pits of stomach.

These were the faces I was used to seeing. The ones that I've actually missed a bit. I leaned against the lockers, tilting my head to give my decorated one a cold smile. "If no one volunteers and you're still here by the time I count down from ten, you're all getting a beating; doesn't matter which gender." When no one moved, I notched an eyebrow, and lifted my fingers as I started to count down. "Ten—"

There was a stampede of squeaking shoes and yells as everyone tried to hurry away from me. I sighed and shook my head, looking at my damaged locker. I unzipped my backpack and rummaged around for my own Sharpie. I wrote a small message under the bold word, smiling tightly.

Jungkook tilted my chin and pressed his lips against mine once I finished writing. I spun the combination and opened the door to grab my books. "Let's go, Kookie," I grinned, cheerfully. He took my hand, intertwining our fingers. "What did I ever do to deserve you, Taehyung?" I patted his cheek, adoringly. "Exist," I replied, with a soft smile. The younger shook his head, grinning widely. "You're too cute for your own good, Taehyung." I frowned at that, "I'm not cute, I'm scary." That made Jungkook roll his eyes. "Yeah, scarier than my bunny slippers maybe." I made my expression flat, "I can still punch your breakfast out." The latter gave me a stretched close-lipped smile and nodded. "Oh, I know, baby, I know. Please leave my cereal and my stomach alone." 

You asked the wrong question Jungkook.

What did I ever do to deserve you? I hope you know that you are my everything, Jungkook. I hope that we never have to part. If I have you I need nothing else. Stay by my side.

Yet, like always

I spoke too soon.


And proud of it, bitch. Learn how to write better :)

We appreciate an open gay ;)

Also, tell me if they chapters aren't long enough anymore. I've come to realize that I'm starting to value the quantity of chapters I post instead of the quality of the chapter itself, again. I know. AGAIN? But, I looked over my old chapters and realized that they are way better than the recent ones that I've published and that makes me doubt my own skill. I've written down my plot and I'm following it accordingly, yet somehow my newest chapters seem to have no depth and it looks like I have no idea what I'm writing. So, if you see something that I should fix please tell me :)

Thanks for reading, though!


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