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REQUESTED BY: ThatSoftballFangirl




You wondered how long it had been since you felt this relaxed; warm breeze kissing your skin, the sound of waves gently washing up before leaving, then coming back. Being in a superhero group made of a bunch of teenagers stressed you; time to focus on anything else is what you needed.

"I apologize for being late."

You looked up, startled slightly, but recognized the voice. You smiled at the boy. "It's fine, Kaldur," you said. "I got here early to read - what's in the bag?"

"Snacks," he said, setting it down and taking out the contents. You shuffled over slightly, allowing Kaldur room to sit on your towel with you. Hiding behind the safety of Mount Justice, you were glad there was a private beach - you knew it made Kaldur happy to be able to wear a loose-tank and shorts, allowing you to admire the tattoos on his arms.

"I'm glad we're doing this," Kaldur said. You were unsure if he was speaking to you or aloud. When you turned to look at him, you couldn't help notice the way his eyes flickered between you and the sand.

"Me too," you said, grabbing one of the water bottles. "Even if it did take me almost dying for you to do it," you snorted, sipping the water. You were almost surprised at Kaldur's light chuckle, forcing you to glance at him again. His smile was soft.


It almost seemed like a routine; the plan was set- the mission was set. It should have gone exactly as Batman said, and quote, "Get in and get out. No unnecessary action - we don't want alarm bells raised." End quote.

Poison Ivy and Bane had been working together to form some new gene for humans to ingest - much like heroin - and make their brains operate at a dangerously higher rate. The mission was to cancel the delivery orders.

At the back of the busted hotel, you waited with Robin and Artemis. 

'Is everyone in position?' Kaldur asked through the mind link. You were still adjusting to the feeling - albeit it was only being your fourth mission with the team.

'They're beginning to load the cargo,' you confirmed. 'Still no sight of Ivy - or Bane.'

'Nothing from the restaurant either,' Conner noted. You were nervous about his impatience, knowing it could get the better of him in these missions. 'Wait-' Your breath hitched when Conner's body was tossed through the building and outside to your view.

Cursing under your breath, you jumped into action. Sprinting to the truck, you took out the driver, head collapsing onto the wheel. Your body was slammed against the side of the truck, knocking the wind from your lungs.

"Shi-" you hissed. "Got eyes on Ivy."

"If anything," Ivy hummed, stepping closer to you as her vine tightened around your chest and legs, "I had eyes on you first."

Gagging, you glared at her. "Did you know we were coming?"

"Of course," she said. "There was never any gene. We knew the League would send kids to do their dirty work." 

You struggled more, reaching for a knife in your belt and stabbing the vine. Another wave of air was knocked out of you as your fell, Ivy's vine retrieving as she hissed. There wasn't enough time for you to feel victorious, as another plant tossed you to the other side of the field.

"H/N!" Artemis cried out, shooting an arrow towards Ivy, who simply dodged it, creating a sphere around the two of you. You took a last glance at Kaldur - your leader, and first friend when joining the team.

"It's not your fault," Ivy said, her knee making contact with your throat, choking you. "It was cruel of them to make you fight me; you could never have won."

You refused to give in to her words, however, clawing at her knee and anything around you that could save you. Fear pulsed through you, heart beating at a rate so fast you thought it was going to burst from your chest.

A drop of water hit your face, almost unnoticeable from the numbness in your body. But as Ivy began to choke on water, her force on you shifted. Her knee eventually lifted from your throat as she fell to her side, and you gasped for breath. Her sphere fell, and you gazed in shock as Kaldur had managed to drown the plants in water, effectively causing Ivy to choke also. You never thought about it before.

You weren't sure what he mumbled before he collected you in his arms.

"I thought I lost you," he said.

"And leave you with a group of teens going through their rebellious stage?" You choked, grinning at him. "Not a chance."

It was him that kissed you first. You think - you were unsure in that moment. 

-end of flashback-

"Why did you kiss me?" Nerves spiked under your skin, heart beating heavily against your ribs. Suddenly you weren't sure if you wanted to know the answer. Kaldur's eyes were reluctant to meet your own.

"I thought I was going to lose you," he mumbled. "I did not want to live with that feeling." He paused, a faint smile appearing. "I was more confused when you kissed me back."

It was your turn to blink with a bright flush on your cheeks. "What can I say?" You said, leaning your body in closer to his, arms touching. "It's been a long time since I've been put into a near-death situation."

His hand grasped yours, frightening you for a moment. "I promise I will never let that happen to you again."

Unable to hold in your laughter, you rested your forehead against Kaldur's. "We'll focus on that later. Let's finish this date first."

i think it's absolutely fitting for us to start off w kaldur don't u?

this took a while but i've finally finished my mid-year exams!! i don't think i passed accounting tho :( but i'll just retake the course now that i know everything and will do better next time (pls pray for me to magically pass bc i really do not actually want to retake accounting bc the lecturers suck ASS)

anyway i hope you guys enjoyed this and feel free to leave any submissions!

- ezzie

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