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Requested by PanachuLex3





There were only four weeks left of the semester when Jason arrived at Gotham Academy; he took the mantle of the 'new kid' from another kid who moved from Canada a short period before. But many of the students already knew, as well as the teaching staff. 'Bruce Wayne's Kid' was a better suiting title when someone wanted to whisper about him. Some even knew him before that; a lonely rat that would steal anything he could to get by. There were mostly rumors that were spread around, however, and you never took much interest in them. Not even when he would come in, appearing slightly bruised on his forehead, hand also bruised with blood beneath his nails, but you didn't notice. Scraps on the schoolyard weren't anything new.

Word had also gotten out that he brawled Jessie Parker - an amateur bully at best who thrived off his parents' fortunes. So when you saw Jason Todd sitting alone during lunch, you sat at his table, pulled out your lunch, and ate. You weren't surprised that Jason gave you a suspicious look, nor the fact you were getting looks from everyone else, but you wanted to congratulate him.

"On what?" He asked, stuffing a turkey sandwich in his mouth. His hand was still bruised. Probably because of the nurse not wanting to hand out yet another ice pack. 

"Beating up Jessie Parker - it was about time someone gave him a smack around."

Jason smirked at that, eyes lighting up at your common interest in hating Jessie Parker. "What's your name?" He asked.

"F/N," you said, reaching over to shake his hand. Jason wiped his hand across his chest before shaking yours. 

"Jason Todd," he said. "But I suppose you already knew that."

You had gotten closer with Jason after that, having the occasional sleepover, though you always made it a point to have at his.

"But why?" Jason would moan when you walked out the school gate.

"Because you have a butler, Jason," you'd respond. "And a pool. And your dad is Bruce Wayne."

"Adoptive-dad," Jason would correct.

Feelings were never something that was discussed between the two of you. Sure, you were forced to kiss during a game of spin-the-bottle at a party, but it wasn't anything magical that you would expect in movies.

"Are we still friends?" You asked him the next day.

"Of course," Jason said, sprawled out on the grass. "Wasn't even that good of a kiss."

You scoffed and rolled your eyes. "That's because your mouth was dry from all the sours you kept hogging."

Smirking, Jason shot up, facing you. "Alright, want to have another try then, Y/N?" His eyes darted from your lips to your eyes.

You felt your face grow warm, and it progressed when Jason placed a hand under your jaw, coercing you closer. Your eyes fluttered shut, and there were just a few inches--

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