The Revenge Game

801 22 29

  By MadlingXOX


(This story consists of course language.)

 Looking around the room with a heavy sign of discontent, I begin to notice all of it's unappealing features. Firstly the wallpaper. It is a sort of pale yet un-natural, sluggish-like green, which is covered  with a bundle of lame motivational posters. 

There's one with two dogs  playing tug-o-war, with the words 'teamwork' sprawled underneath,  another with a piece of cheese strung up in front of a mouse, it's  running on one of those mouse-wheels , with the words 'determination' and of course the classic tortoise and rabbit with 'patience'. I can't say I much appreciate the decor.

Not to mention the smell,  a pungent mix of of musky old books and cheap perfume, makes me crinkle my noise and silently beg for fresh air.

I push myself up off the cushioned red chair and pace over to the window behind the large oak desk that fills most of this lousy room.  Grabbing the latch I pull it loose and grip the bottom of the window.  Maybe I can make a flawless escape afterall . I give the window a couple of shoves, before I realise it must have been years since it was last opened. it's not going to move. The smell seems to make more sense now. Frowning, I count in my head. 'One. Two. Three, Push!' . Its not moving and I'm suffocating, I turn around and start going through the principles desk in search of a crow-bar or something along those lines.

"May I help you find something?" Ms Pepper was at the door, watching me with bright blue eyes and a facial expression that reads  'slight irritation'. Startled, I jump to a standing position.

"Ahh no." I hurriedly push the desk draws shut, just as my Father shoves his way through the office door, his expensive suade shows make a clacking sound against the floorboards, they match well with his expensive-looking dark suit. Both his outfit and the glare he seems to be  screaming 'I'm late for a buisness meeting thanks to you' . He is frowning quite intensely, his forehead creased and his eyes blazing. I lower myself to Ms Peppers desk chair and try my best to avoid eye contact.

"Shane, your teacher and I have spoken and sorted out the situation, Ms Pepper has been kind enough to give you a second chance, this time,  so behave yourself, and don't screw it up." His tone is low and dangerous. He removes his glare from me for just a second to address Ms Pepper.  " Thankyou for your time, if he steps out of line again please contact me immediately."

He turns to give me a one last sharp look, his brown eye's narrowing and brows furrowed, he then stands up straight changing his disposture to a kinder more gentler approach as he turns back to Ms Pepper.

 After  they are finished shaking hands and saying their depature formalities,  my Father finally leaves.

I breath a sigh of relief.

Ms Pepper moves towards me, her blue eye's studying my face, she flicks a piece of silver hair from her face before crossing her arms over her white blouse. With a gentle smile her eyes crease with wrinkles.

"Now Shane, you stay out of trouble."

 I give her a lopsided grin.

"Of course Ms Pepper, I apologise for any inconvenience I have caused you." I swivel in her chair as I do my best to appear innocent.

"Thank you, but just so you know, Jake has been suspended for starting the fight, so if he gives you any problems please consult me."

"Understood." I stand up and walk to the door, pausing for a moment. I take a breath of fresh air. Closing the door behind me, I feel my stomach rumble. I  drag myself down the school passage and to my locker begrudgingly. 

The Revenge Game(under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now