Guess what?

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I'll keep this short. I'm working on a second book thingy and basically it's a sequel to this, and I just thought I'd put this here so anyone who's reading this or has it in their reading lists or what not will know and hopefully go check it out, I'd really like to hear what people think of it and if I should continue with it or if this was like a one trick pony, but hey it's worth a bash. I did start working on another story, but I hit a dead end with it and had no where else to go with the plot line, so it's just sitting now. Since it's summer (woop woop party hard) I'll probably be writing a lot because my social life is like meh, so I'd really like to know if anyone would like another book thingy or not, so message me, do that thing on whatever that message board is, tumblr works too because I'm always on there or even Kik, carrier pigeon also works too. Okay, sees you's all later and if you see this and read it, comment woop woop party hard on the first chapter of the other thing and I'll dedicate a chapter to you or follow you, whichever happens just happens. Thanks guys. How do you end this? Well, see ya :)

Patty Walters (The boy with the funny accent)Where stories live. Discover now