Chapter Five

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Today was um... eventful to say the least. I actually fell asleep before Patty last night, so him being him and me being a really heavy sleeper, when I fell asleep he moved me so he could get comfy. So I woke up straddling Patty's lap, my arms round his waist and my head on his shoulder while he was sitting up leaning against the sofa with his arms round me really tightly and his chin on my shoulder, head resting on mine as he slept.

''Do not move'' was the first thing I heard when I woke up. Jason was sitting bolt upright next to me, waiting for me to wake up.


''Patty fell asleep half an hour ago. Wake him up now he'll be cranky all day''

''How do you know?''

''I woke up around six am. You were like that and Patty was rubbing your back because you were talking in your sleep. It was like you were awake. You cried, laughed, moved and everything. Patty had a whole conversation with you. You just kept saying you don't wanna wear a dress and you like his nose ring. You touched it in your sleep which was freaky''

''Anything else in the series of what savanna does in her sleep?'' I asked sarcastically

''Yeah actually. You started shaking, then crying then hung on to Patty really really tightly for about half an hour while whimpering and flinching randomly. He stayed awake to make sure you were alright'' When Jason stopped talking Patty snored a little and nuzzled his head against mine just like a little puppy would nuzzle your leg.

''I dunno why that is. I'm going to get bored here. Patty'' I stroked his hair until he woke up.

''I'm going to move but you're going to lay down and go back to sleep okay?'' I explained and I untangled myself from him.

''Give me a kiss'' He wouldn't lay down until I did so I gave him a kiss, he laughed then flopped sideways and went straight back to sleep, curled up in a foetal position sucking his thumb. Jason laughed and because we were the only two awake at half past seven we snuck outdoors and talked.

''What do you want your wedding to be like?'' Jason asked. We were laying on the grass and I had my head on his tummy because I hate the feeling of grass on my neck don't ask me why.

''Not a big one. Just me, Patty, you, my brother, Tristan and Dylan and my sisters. Whoever Patty invites that's cool, but there is no way I'm having my mother there hell no. No more than twenty or thirty people at most. Everyone in that house right now I want there''

''can I be the bridesmaid of honour?'' He laughed

''You can have your dress hand made especially for you''

''yay'' he clapped then it was silent.

''Are you gonna move in with us?'' Jason asked quietly.

''Probably not, I live next door, theres not really a point is there? I think the only time we'd move in together is if the living arrangement changed for either of us or if we started making small people. Then we kinda have to be in the same place'' We laughed.

''When are you gonna make people? Like I'd be an awesome uncle, I'd put them back to bed at three am because im always awake then, they'd have the coolest hair and as soon as they can talk they're learning to climb trees''

''Im twenty Jason. I have uni to do, places to visit, people to meet and things to experience before making babies. Patty wouldn't want kids at this age either, I know I don't want kids until I'm at least twenty six or twenty eight. There wont be any kids soon anyways, I'm sure of that''

''Okay'' We stayed on the grass until everyone woke up, by which time we'd fallen asleep. So I cooked everyone breakfast, bearing the bacon for those who ate meat, even took Christians breakfast up to him because he's ill and the best thing is rest for him. Pulled my jeans and a hoodie on, dragged the mattress upstairs to Patty's room and got Jason and Craig to carry him up there. we all had breakfast, whoever wanted a shower took one while I washed and dried up. I knocked back my painkillers, rubbed the cream on my back for muscle pain and on my elbow to help repair the skin single handedly dragged a mattress upstairs, folded clothes into piles in the living room of where they'd been left, folded up all the sheets and put them back in the airing cupboard, put all the chairs back in place, hoovered the carpet of crumbs then heard the creak of the floorboard of Patty's room which is right by his door so when he goes through his bedroom door it creaks, so I knew I had about ten minutes until he came down after he combed his hair and went for a wee so I dropped what I was doing and started frying the sausages and cooking the beans for his breakfast. Just as he came downstairs I put his breakfast on a plate so a quick kiss on the cheek and then knife and fork in one hand, breakfast in the other, go eat, washed up the pans, recycled the can (I wash the labels off all the recycling I'm that anal) then Patty gave me his plate and stuff so those were washed, dried instantly and put straight away, I cleaned the sink and the draining board, took the bin bag down to the local garbage bin because it was full up of packets that stunk like bacon and tea bags and urgh it stunk so it had to go. The living room was spotless once I wiped the coffee table all over with washing up liquid then wiped it again to remove it, plumped up the sofa cushions, re folded the throw, organised the cushions then stopped.

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