Chapter 10

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Author POV

"What is it Kookie?" Jin asked when he woke up to see Jungkook crying.

He looked at Jin, eyes full of fear. His sobs got even louder the longer he was awake, waking Yoongi up.

"What's wrong Kookie?" Jungkook ran out of the room, scared of Jin and Yoongi.

He ran into the kitchen to see Jimin sipping a mug of coffee.

Jimin put the mug down. "Are you okay Kookie?"

He shook his head and trembled.

Jimin patted the seat next to him. Kookie sat down there, his shaking figure making the chair slightly wobble.

Jimin cupped Jungkook's cheeks. "What happened?"

He sniffled. "'ookie have bad dweam."

"And what happened in the dream?"

"'ookie w-w-w-wanna give d-d-dada fwower but dada mean and didn' wan' i'. 'en 'ookie no see an' 'eath 'elp 'ookie."

Jimin gave him a sad smile and rubbed his thumb down Jungkook's cheek.

"Do you wanna go sleep with me and TaeTae?"

Kookie gently nodded.

"Okay" Jimin said. He stood up from his seat and began to walk to his room.

Jungkook whined, making Jimin turn around. He made grabby hands at him.

Jimin chuckled and walked over to Kookie, scooping him up in his arms.

Taehyung was already awake when they got to the room. He smiled.

"Why are you up so early Kookie?"

Jimin gently lied him on the bed.

"He had a nightmare and didn't want to stay with Jin and Yoongi hyung." He got on the bed and began to play with Kookie's hair.

He stayed awake for what seemed like hours. He was still afraid from his nightmare.



"Can't sleep..."

Jimin thought for a moment until he whispered something to Taehyung.

He smiled and wrapped his arms around Kookie.

He softly started to sing.

"You hide them so well but they appear when you smile"

"Don't lie, you are an angel"

"But you~"

"Those dimples are illegal
No it's dangerous, oh yes"

"So I call you illegirl
Your existence is criminal"

***Skip Incredible Singing By Tae And Jimin***

Tae and Jimin smiled when they heard soft breaths from Kookie.

"His cute face makes me want to hold him so tightly in my arms and never let go.." Tae softly said.

"Me too.."

They kissed Kookie's forehead and left to get ready for work.

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