Chapter 14

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Once Jungkook was taken care of and bandaged up, the boys decided to watch a movie with Jungkook snuggled up in his favorite blankie on Namjoon's lap. Namjoon lightly bounced him which had the small boy giggling.

Meanwhile, Jimin and Jin were in him and Yoongi's room making up a coloring book of their own for Jungkook.

"We need to make up characters that he'll like and they have to be cute." Jimin demanded more than suggested.

"Okay. Well, there's been this alpaca head that I keep drawing. I could use that." Jin said to himself.

They worked for an hour drawing their little characters and putting them on papers and on the cover of the book it was colored so Jungkook can know what they're supposed to look like in color.

"We should give it to Tae and the other hyungs so they can create their own characters too. We can take care of Jungkook so it can be a surprise."

Jin agreed and went to the living room to grab Jungkook with his blankie from Namjoon's lap before he took the sleepy Little to his room while Jimin explained the sweet surprise to the others.

Jungkook softly hummed when he could smell Jin's scent.

'Dada smell wike honey'

Jin gently placed Jungkook on his bed and held him in his arms.

"My Kookie" The older whispered in a semi-silly voice, causing a mess of giggles to erupt from the small boy in his arms.

Hoseok POV

I carefully thought of what I should draw for my character. I wanted to draw something that resembled me. Like a horse.

Then the memories came flooding back.

4 years ago

"What are you drawing there baby?" Namjoon asked as our Little passionately drew something on one of his coloring books.
"Ish dada!"
Milo told him. Meanwhile I was leaning against the counter, trying to not get caught eavesdropping.
Namjoon saw the drawing and looked at it with curiosity.
"How is that Dada?"
"dada wike a howse an dada weiwd. Toh, it a weiwd howse!"
"It looks beautiful baby" I said, sitting next to him.
"'ankie dada" Milo blushed from the compliment.
"How about we hang it on the fridge when you're done, yeah?"

I tried my best to remember Milo's drawing and carefully reconstructed the masterpiece.

"Wow, hyung! What's its name?"

"Mang..." I softly spoke, trying to hold my tears back as Namjoon saw the horse-like drawing and lightly smiled.

Where are you my little angel?

Milo POV

I tiredly sighed as the front door was closed by my soon-to-be ex.

"Where's my food?" He demanded.

"I'll make something."

"Why couldn't you make it earlier?!"

"I was at work."

"You had your lunch break lazy ass."

"I can't exactly leave. I have to stay there."

"Well then make it in the morning instead!" My boyfriend screamed before slamming his bedroom door, both actions making me flinch.

I took out some ingredients and washed my hands. They burned from all the small cuts that came from working too hard. I wish he wouldn't spend all our money on beer so we could afford some easy-to-make meals. It would really help...

After I was done making him food, I went to sleep on the worn out sofa. It crinkled and groaned as I lied on it. I hated how rough and pointy the frame was. 

These were the times where I liked to remember what life was like before I was separated from Hoseok and Namjoon. It was my only hope in this situation.

I missed them so much. I wanted to run away and live with them as soon as I find them. I stared out the only window we had that was in the kitchen and gazed at the stars. It was a childish thought.

But hopefully, when I earn enough money to get my own apartment, I can see them again, and hopefully be in their loving arms.

Sweet dreams Seokie and Joonie...

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